Add back dumb rating

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Reaction score
Description of the idea: Add back the dumb rating to forums, we still have it in the discord server anyway.

Why should this be added? (pros): Another reaction, specifically used for dumb ideas.

What negatives could this have? (cons): I don't know people being offended by being reacted dumb? Personally I don't care

*Other additions: N/A

*Images: :dumb:
Disagree does the same thing.

That said the dumb rating was a godsend for certain posts, the issue was it was just used mostly because someone was crying over what you said, and half the time it wasn’t used to express a bad point.
i wanted to suggest this not long ago because some people post the dumbest shit ever and you cant react to it, but at the same time it will be used by toxic members that u disagree with on everything u post

i remember i rated someones post dumb, and that guy was someone who i disliked and he disliked me back, he proceeded to comment on my profile saying how im revenge dumb rating and then he got a bunch of his friends to dumb rate a lot of my posts which is the most contradictionary shit ive seen, oh youre "revenge dumb rating me"?? ok ill do the same thing! (even tho no i didnt revenge dumb rate that guy mustve insecure af)
i haven’t read the forum rules in months but i believe revenge rating isn’t allowed

Good luck trying to prove it tho xs

I agree, I dont care about being rated dumb lmao I do say dumb shit sometimes and I know it, just fuck it, it was a nice rating, bring it back
Negative ratings got removed, adding dumb ratings back won't mean anything so I see no reason to not have it
Honestly, if you get upset because someone rated your post dumb, you should consider doing real life activities instead of online activities. This is the Internet, peace was never an option.
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