Server Suggestion Add Location info for Roadcrew

Reaction score
altschauerberg 8
Suggestion Title: Add Location info for Roadcrew
Suggestion Description: Like it says in the title it would be good for rc to know what street there are on to ask an officer to tow it or to do an broadcast

Why should this be added?:
- it would help new players playing rc

What negatives could this have?:
- i dont see one

What problem would this suggestion solve?: rc getting confused on what street there are on
Suggestion Title: Add Location info for Roadcrew
Suggestion Description: Like it says in the title it would be good for rc to know what street there are on to ask an officer to tow it or to do an broadcast

Why should this be added?:
- it would help new players playing rc

What negatives could this have?:
- i dont see one

What problem would this suggestion solve?: rc getting confused on what street there are on
Not really sure how this would work as where would the chat message put the location?
Also if you're unsure of the location (which they're meant to provide in /rc btw or over the phone) simply ring them using the number in the /rc channel and ask for further information. Or if they call the 565 number and the location is unclear just ask them to specify further.
IMO pretty useless suggestion, the devs could be working on better things. (especially with V6 coming up)
Also sorry if this sounded mean, suggestions are always good but I don't think this one is necessary...
i get what you mean but its not that difficuilt for devs (i think) as its already there for other jobs and there is always time for new stuff between v6
There is a map on the phone with street names
You can enable GPS in console (i think the command is literally showgps, but it's been a while since I used it)
Either one of these would help out new players just fine tbh
i get what you mean but its not that difficuilt for devs (i think) as its already there for other jobs and there is always time for new stuff between v6
What you're suggesting isn't really "already there". The /rc or roadcrew radio system is chat based whereas the 911 system is not. I don't really understand where you would plan on putting the location. The chat system already works fine as the whole point is "/rc (what you need done) (location)" or vice versa.

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