Add the ability to use a baseball bat as RoadCrew

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Add the ability to use baseball bats as roadcrew

Why should this be added? (pros): When impounding a car people do get very aggressive, just today after impounding cars I found that many people think they are big and cool with their melee weapons and PPKs and often attempt to regain their vehicles through violent means. With a bat roadcrew could defend themselves and can put down peoples anger with a swift wack on the head.
While roadcrew are government employees they are often on the front lines and are often in danger, I would say they are in more danger than police officers so they need to be able to defend themselves!

What negatives could this have? (cons): /desc bat marks on head

What about instead of a bat you can use the wrench like the TF2 Engineer
I support this, as I was RPing as roadcrew today there was a VERY angry individual who wanted his car back and he was on the VERGE of acting up because I impounded his vehicle
They were even more angry when they were informed the computer system went down and we only take cash now!
They used to let you take weapons on the job as RC, taxi driver, and courier. There was an issue where you couldn’t pick up a weapon you dropped whilst unconscious however.
I believe this can be used negatively and really isn't needed. They are on a government job. they should report it straight to the police.​

As said above my others, This would create unnecessary assault where the police could easily be called and could use self defence if they were being attacked with a melee weapon,You could maybe give roadcrew tasers if it is believed that they need some kind of item to defend themselves
I'd say give medics a sidearm since they're more often in the heat of the action than any other job while getting hit through crossfire.

Nice shitpost but it's a no, just run them over or something you have a unarmoured tank that rivals the PLPD's armoured vehicle by also being able to repair it on the spot.
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