add the following missing tdm cars

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Description of the idea: adds more tdm cars for people to drive as cars on the road right know are either theese 3 brands

Why should this be added? (pros)
: adds more variety to perps cars

What negatives could this have? (cons): none it gives people more stuff to drive

*Other additions: Here is a full list of the cars and what pack they are from
KTM X BOW {could be rather expensive but fun but please dont make this horribly expensive to buy and repair like the furai}
{tdm multi brand pack}
Saleen 281
Saleen 2331 Supercab
{saleen pack}
Citreon 2cv
{citreon pack}
Ford focus rs,16
{ford pack}

*Images: check the tdm packs for it
Theres already far to many unused cars, I'd suggest just fixing the current cars and speeds.
Theres already far to many unused cars, I'd suggest just fixing the current cars and speeds.
yeah true but theese cars would add more uniqueness rn the only cars bought are bmw's ferrari and tesla mate i wanna see people whipping around unique cars
yeah true but theese cars would add more uniqueness rn the only cars bought are bmw's ferrari and tesla mate i wanna see people whipping around unique cars
And as I said, If you fix the current cars and speeds people would drive them. I personally drive around in a Scion or a Dodge ram. I see nothing wrong with them, There isn't such thing as "uniqueness" in cars considering you can't customize them.
And as I said, If you fix the current cars and speeds people would drive them. I personally drive around in a Scion or a Dodge ram. I see nothing wrong with them, There isn't such thing as "uniqueness" in cars considering you can't customize them.
yeah true but i'd like to see the KTM about even if its horribly impracticle also the new ford is sick and the saleen and citreons would be fun to drive
If I remember correctly, @Fredy has already commented on this matter during the community meeting. He said that we already have enough TDM cars and the ones that weren't added weren't for a good reason. Usually being they are faulty or duplicates.

This was copied from the community meeting notes:

Can we add more TDM Vehicles?
We have enough cars, the ones which were not added were done so for a reason.
If I remember correctly, @Fredy has already commented on this matter during the community meeting. He said that we already have enough TDM cars and the ones that weren't added weren't for a good reason. Usually being they are faulty or duplicates.

This was copied from the community meeting notes:

Can we add more TDM Vehicles?
We have enough cars, the ones which were not added were done so for a reason.
well the current tdm car's are boring as fuck like all people buy is the same stuff
The Saleen Mustang already exists as a bodykit for the mustang. The Xbow is a shit looking car that would not fit the PERP game mode at all. It’s a concept race car not an actual functional daily life vehicle.
well the current tdm car's are boring as fuck like all people buy is the same stuff
But none of the cars you suggested would change that. The tesla meta is unbreakable.
The Saleen Mustang already exists as a bodykit for the mustang. The Xbow is a shit looking car that would not fit the PERP game mode at all. It’s a concept race car not an actual functional daily life vehicle.

Literally none of the cars you suggested would change that.
what about the KTM x bow or the saleens

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