Adding alternative / Removing physgun from premium

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Main Idea: Adding the physgun to non premium as well or introducing an alternative to freeze props.

Full description of the idea: Removing the physgun, making it available for all players. The server is losing players and this is one of the ways to improve the relationship with newer players. Premium should be an upgrade, not a mandatory thing.


Introduce and alternative to the physgun, which doesn't work as well, but it's still an alternative giving people an equal chance.

Why should it be added?: We're not attracting enough new players and even when they come they gotta buy something to even get started.

Pros: Giving newer players a better chance at basing and experiencing the gamemode, not giving everyone a paywall before they can play, making premium an upgrade, not a mandatory mechanic of the server.

Cons: A tiny tid bid less money or maybe not

*Other additions:
Keep in mind, this will not make people buy premium any less (or even if, maybe slightly). But it may introduce a lot more new players without having to buy it.

*Images: physgun
No, this is one of the reasons people purchase premium, when the community was officially launched anyone who wasn't premium was looking to get it somehow just for the physgun, it's a big reason as of why people purchase premium, thus it should stay that was as it's one of the main reasons people donate to keep the server running.
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