Addition: Forum Rule 2.7 - Promoting Action Requests, Refund Requests, Suggestions and Ban Appeals

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Forum Rule 2.7 - Promoting Action Requests, Refund Requests and Ban Appeals.

Your version of the rule:
Users may not promote their Action Requests, Refund Requests, Suggestions and Ban Appeals via the forums (Shoutbox, private conversations etc.).

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Basically, today I received a private conversation from a user. He messaged me, and I assume others, asking for his ban appeal to be replied to ( Honestly, I think this can become annoying and is unnecessary. Of course users can reply to things like this if they want to, however clearly if it has not received any replies it means no one wants to reply to it. In this situation, its up to him to tag/notify the staff member that banned him, so he can get a reply for it, rather than message others asking for their opinion. If the rule is added for it, less users will feel the need to do it (oddly enough).
During one of Ezriders he was complaning that daymon was supposed to look at it but with staff members getting tied up with other duties they could forget I will however support this providing it is not to remind the staff member who banned you. Yeah I find it annoying people asking to get their appeals or ARs looked at but this rule should not completely restrict a user from inquiring about the AR or appeal in question.

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