Addressing my return in a more formal manner


Communication Banned
Reaction score
Well, I'm back.

For anyone unaware, I was a Moderator previously, until I asked to be moved to Helper when I was aware that my activity would be considerably lower, and then I got banned.

What I did was toxic, impulsive, and simply a poor response to the situation at hand. I don't like to think that my inherent moral compass and value set are toxic themselves, however there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that my emotions can manifest themselves in a very toxic way via my actions and oftentimes they create an image of toxicity surrounding my character, which at times can simply just be a correct assumption to make, even if I truly don't mean it to be.

I'd like to apologise to the whole staff team at the time of me being staff, namely @Cole, @Shay, and particularly @Collier. Can't help but feel like I threw the time invested into my training & teaching back in your faces via my actions, with Cole & Shay being the primary sources of teaching & aid that I had, which I'd like to thank you both extensively for. For Collier, you were always one to proverbially sing my praises yet time and time again I essentially threw it out of the window with my ridiculous behaviour so I cant help but feel like I let you down, for which I'm genuinely sorry.

Now that that's covered, I'd like to move to my return. I acknowledge my return was quick to leave a somewhat sour aftertaste with the manner in which I initially returned: back to my unfiltered, uncontrolled ways, it seemed. Recognised this quickly & realised it wasn't a way to continue if I genuinely cared for the wellbeing of the community, so my apologies on that front.

For a bit more positivity, as a community I've spent the last 4 years being a part of, I still do care for this community's wellbeing and as such, I have a lot of suggestions & plans I'd like to be able to build on to make the server a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved - just to be clear I'm not a staff member, these can't be guaranteed in any capacity as they will only be suggestions:

  • Rewriting of unnecessary rules & removing some amount of room for bending and interpretation within rules to ensure situations play out more fairly & intuitively and to counteract blatantly malicious play - will try to conduct some research and speak to a lot of different players to come to a middle ground on some things.
  • Balance tweaks to certain systems within the server in order to to give players a greater sense of freedom in the general scheme of things - again, will try to get some level of consensus on this before anything is posted.
  • Additions to some management & communications systems throughout the community where possible - PLPD included - the general goal is to make the everyday player feel like they have a more significant voice in what's going on.
  • Addition of some new systems to the server to keep players motivated & create greater goals for players to work towards - the end goal is to keep incentives to roleplay as a criminal but to level the playing field and create more avenues by which to earn decent money legally and then allow for more to be done with this money than just buy cars and guns without massive amounts of development and modelling work.
I have some more suggestions & some general ideas on how the things listed above will take form, but I will leave details until I've ran through all options and possibilities some more and considered some alternatives.

I'll do everything in my power from this point forward to ensure that the time I invest into the community creates a positive result in one way or another, and I'll help out with anything I possibly can, so if you've ever got general questions about quite literally anything about the community, the people in it, or even something completely related, shoot me a private message on the forums, add me on Steam here, or add me on Discord - sorle#2085.

Thank you all for the kind greetings so far, it feels great to be back.

TL;DR: I'm back for the foreseeable future and I have a bunch of suggestions to many different aspects of the community to bring forward and if you ever need help with anything let me know.