Admins do not take cheating reports seriously at all and do not look at demos.

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Here we go.

1. Gmod is so cheap, you can buy alt accounts for 1$ with 300 hours.
2. It's SUPER easy to ban evade.
3. It's SUPER easy to cheat.

I do think there are 3-5% of players that are closet cheating with at least ESP. Some of these wall-bangs and run-ins and instantly flicking with a headshot is too crazy to be true. Not to mention, people wiping PD and swat with a revolver and reports getting closed. I have 3k hours on gmod, 7 years on perpheads and this is basically like a little flash game with crap anti-cheat that hasn't had a real update in years.

I've had 2 gmod servers, and the amount of cheaters we found when we investigated was actually pretty surprising.

All of my org's cheating reports get dismissed instantly and we've had 4 cheat reports the last month or so.

When I kindly request the admin to look at the demos and multiple angle clips by org members, they decline almost instantly and tell us "wall-bangs are not cheats, they are experienced, I can't do anything." They reject to check demos or even bother to investigate.

Are admins lazy to request demos and look through them? I mean your job is to investigate possible situations?

They also know that they have so many people coming in the server, hacking RDMing everyone for fun, it happens almost every single night. Just go look at youtube videos of perpheads cheating and the views it has. It wouldn't be so hard for people who are tired of losing progress and weapons for them to start cheating.

Something really has to change, maybe have a specific team of reviewing possible cheat demos and saving the clips some where to possibly compare them in future reports? I have no idea.

This message is directly from the owner - "Finding and catching cheaters can take a considerable amount of time and effort, and is generally something the staff team don't want to have to constantly do." It sort of proves my point.

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Hello mate, if you have an issue with how I investigated into this situation, feel free to make a staff complaint, typically cheating reports are taken very seriously and If I felt like the user was suspicious enough, I would of requested demos from the individual and reviewed them, however from the situation that you showcased here, you had stood in an extremely common spot whilst lockpicking a door, causing you to be instantly wall banged and killed, I see this as no cause for concern, as majority of players would do the exact same as the player defending the raid in this occasion, as such I saw no reason to investigate into his demos, as I highly doubt it would come up with anything significant and be a waste of time, which could be better spent administrating the server for things such as MassRDM and other troublesome acts that are common at lower player counts and can obstruct the gameplay in a major fashion.

The link to the staff complaint form is here if you wish to utilise it:
Hello mate, if you have an issue with how I investigated into this situation, feel free to make a staff complaint, typically cheating reports are taken very seriously and If I felt like the user was suspicious enough, I would of requested demos from the individual and reviewed them, however from the situation that you showcased here, you had stood in an extremely common spot whilst lockpicking a door, causing you to be instantly wall banged and killed, I see this as no cause for concern, as majority of players would do the exact same as the player defending the raid in this occasion, as such I saw no reason to investigate into his demos, as I highly doubt it would come up with anything significant and be a waste of time, which could be better spent administrating the server for things such as MassRDM and other troublesome acts that are common at lower player counts and can obstruct the gameplay in a major fashion.

The link to the staff complaint form is here if you wish to utilise it:
I'm not bothered to make a staff complaint as nothing was "really" done wrong. I am just thinking there should be staff reform or a system in place to possibly find closet cheaters.

Cheating reports should be investigated more thoroughly by staff members, to cheat in gmod is like getting your damn mail from your mailbox. I know it's a bother to look through hour-long demos and possibly find "nothing" but at least it should be done or marked that the player has some suspicious activity for future reports. I will be uploading a compilation of all this soon..

Everyone who does open a F6 about cheating, no investigation really happens. And for someone to take the effort to go on the forums to make a report about it knows nothing will really happen, unless it blatant cheating.

Not even professional e-sports players are like this.

I had someone in my org who cheated for months, finally getting banned cause he tried to escape cuffs with a script. We just thought he was good.
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Not every staff member wants to sit and watch your 30 minute gameplay loop of sitting and staring at a planter inside your slums apartment. If you want to witch hunt so bad, load the demo up yourself and clip exactly what part you think is suspicious and make an action request. Don’t expect people to waste their time just because you're salty you died.
Not every staff member wants to sit and watch your 30 minute gameplay loop of sitting and staring at a planter inside your slums apartment. If you want to witch hunt so bad, load the demo up yourself and clip exactly what part you think is suspicious and make an action request. Don’t expect people to waste their time just because you're salty you died.
No one is salty that they died? And is it really time wasting investigating a report that has a valid basis with evidence?

I am talking about requesting demos from cheaters, all my clips were cut clips of the situation. No one has to sit through hours of demos, be smart and take the tic/time from logs where people got killed by that player in that session and review it.

I have gone around the server asking people about cheating reports, they all say the same thing to me. The effort it takes someone to make an AR honestly KNOWS that no action will be taken.

Closet cheating is pretty damn easy on this server. And I know that it seems like I'm butt-hurt, but you'd honestly be surprised.

I will request footage from long-time cheaters who got banned. Some cheaters who get banned have had many hours on this server.
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Ahh yes, the classic "it's your job to watch the demo since you are admin".

Staff already have to babysit the server with the high player count as it is. You can't expect all staff members to go through a player's demo every time they get reported for getting a sus kill, especially when the staff member deems the first kill not suspicious at all as shown above.

If you want to investigate the demo yourself, you can use a demo script with your own demo + ESP.
Alright look, with your 3000 hours in Garry's Mod and knowledge of 2 programming languages, I’m sure you know how to enable ESP in your own demos to catch suspicious behavior.

But every staff member here has a life outside of this game- we have jobs, school, family commitments, and we do this voluntarily on our free time because we genuinely care about the players and this community. None of us get paid to sit through hours of gameplay to hunt down cheaters; we’re here to help, but we’re only human. We have one of the best anti cheats in the game and it's constantly getting worked on and improved.

I get that dealing with cheaters is frustrating. We all want to keep this community fair and fun for everyon, and we put in a lot of effort to keep it that way. But what you’re doing right now isn't the way to address the problem, and it’s not the proper channel to report it either.

And please, cut back on the baseless accusations that every report gets ignored or closed without investigation. That’s simply not true, and it's really disrespectful to everyone spending so much of their time and effort to make things better.
We can not feasibly leave the server and check a demo if we are not convinced the provided evidence warrants further investigation. The clip in question ( is not suspicious.

Please understand that you can also go into your demo, enable drive (or use a freecam script) and get better evidence to help back up your claim. The onus simply can not be on us every time to look into things we do not believe will yield any results.
I have gone around the server asking people about cheating reports, they all say the same thing to me. The effort it takes someone to make an AR honestly KNOWS that no action will be taken.
Please upload your demo when you asked all the people about cheating reports and they said the same thing, then I'll check the demo for you :)
We can not feasibly leave the server and check a demo if we are not convinced the provided evidence warrants further investigation. The clip in question ( is not suspicious.

Please understand that you can also go into your demo, enable drive (or use a freecam script) and get better evidence to help back up your claim. The onus simply can not be on us every time to look into things we do not believe will yield any results.
In this clip, theres literally only 2 possible locations you could be lockpicking from, in what world is it hard to shoot at 2 spots
Just because you cant cope doesn't mean they're cheating. Admins have very good tools and intuition to tell when someone is cheating and we definitely don't want cheaters in our game at all.
Getting 1 tapped through 2 apartment floors where they know exactly the angle I am standing at
There are simply some players who've been playing for long enough (like myself) to know which positions people will hold enough to accurately floorbang them. Some people (again, like myself) listen for bandages, footsteps, door opening/closing, voices to floorbang/wallbang more accurately as well, I have a bunch of clips from today where I wall-banged multiple people inside of slums/projex staircase because I just held the door & whenever I thought I heard someone walk right outside, empty a mag in the door

Truth is, some wall-bangs might seem absolutely crazy & like it's clearly someone walling to inexperienced players, meanwhile they might be extremely common for more experienced players & therefore most cheating reports are just invalid and people being angry over losing a gun
In this clip, theres literally only 2 possible locations you could be lockpicking from, in what world is it hard to shoot at 2 spots
Alright look, with your 3000 hours in Garry's Mod and knowledge of 2 programming languages, I’m sure you know how to enable ESP in your own demos to catch suspicious behavior.

But every staff member here has a life outside of this game- we have jobs, school, family commitments, and we do this voluntarily on our free time because we genuinely care about the players and this community. None of us get paid to sit through hours of gameplay to hunt down cheaters; we’re here to help, but we’re only human. We have one of the best anti cheats in the game and it's constantly getting worked on and improved.

I get that dealing with cheaters is frustrating. We all want to keep this community fair and fun for everyon, and we put in a lot of effort to keep it that way. But what you’re doing right now isn't the way to address the problem, and it’s not the proper channel to report it either.

And please, cut back on the baseless accusations that every report gets ignored or closed without investigation. That’s simply not true, and it's really disrespectful to everyone spending so much of their time and effort to make things better.
I'm sure a lot of the players do not know how to investigate the demos themselves. If this is not the proper way to address the problem than what is, it's a simple server discussion post / recommendation. Either way, whatever I would have posted about cheaters and investigations would have gotten the same feedback as it is a post that criticizes that staff. Of course it's uncomfortable.
Just because you cant cope doesn't mean they're cheating. Admins have very good tools and intuition to tell when someone is cheating and we definitely don't want cheaters in our game at all.


Cope Harder

View attachment 24141

We got 5 people laughing at this thread right now because we knew this was a reaction we would be getting from staff when discussing a cheating matter.
There are simply some players who've been playing for long enough (like myself) to know which positions people will hold enough to accurately floorbang them. Some people (again, like myself) listen for bandages, footsteps, door opening/closing, voices to floorbang/wallbang more accurately as well, I have a bunch of clips from today where I wall-banged multiple people inside of slums/projex staircase because I just held the door & whenever I thought I heard someone walk right outside, empty a mag in the door

Truth is, some wall-bangs might seem absolutely crazy & like it's clearly someone walling to inexperienced players, meanwhile they might be extremely common for more experienced players & therefore most cheating reports are just invalid and people being angry over losing a gun
Yeah I do the same, but some of the angles of getting shot is just too much. Especially when it's a new-player.

Of course my org members would be concerned when they get tapped through 2 apartment floors, standing in the middle of the room before the door is lock-picked, You'd be a fool if you didn't.
We got 5 people laughing at this thread right now because we knew this was a reaction we would be getting from staff when discussing a cheating matter.

The fact is the majority of the time players accuse someone of cheating they're not. And they simply don't have the experience to know some tactics and common places that get wallbanged or prefired.
The simple reasons why we don't check the demos:
- You likely made a low effort report with no evidence or very poor evidence
- Staff is a voluntary position and we really do not want to watch a demo every time someone makes a report.
- Reviewing a demo takes 15-60min. Now imagine if we did it for every report.
- Most of us learnt very early on that players have extremely bad intuition for cheaters.
- We already have an insane workload in terms of reports. Either we deal with the stuff we actually know will warrant results or just review demos 24/7 when someone cries wolf.
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