> Be kid
> Parents finally let you go airsofting with your mates for your 14th birthday
> Arrive excited and nervous as you don't know how its going to go
> Safety briefing finishes and first game starts
> Simple PvP Skirmish, nothing special
> You move mid field to get a better advantage over the enemy
> Go inside a building
> Suddenly you hear a Rumble
> Peek out of a window and see a huge black van
> WhatTheFuck.jpg
> 6 people wearing these hop out of the van
> You can't see them anymore as they enter the building
> Suddenly a shout
> "PLPD Coming thru"
> A flashbang flies in through the door
> Not a real one but still loud as fuck
> Suddenly all 6 of the people you saw rush in raindancing
> Get lit up with 6 HPA's
But for real, next month I will be attending my first airsoft skirmish with a rented gun