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Just started airsoft with my pals from work, looking for decent websites that are trusted and ship to the UK.
Trying to go with a atypical setup, don't really want to go full cringe and camo. Was looking a vietcong setup maybe with an AK but I don't want it to be perceived as racist, so I'm leaning towards a vietnam US rifleman with a m14 maybe, or a british coldwar rifleman with a fal.

Just looking for decent websites that do both m4 and ak varients
Waiting until I get my license, wont waste money on a two tone
if you buy the TWO tone now you can paint it when you get ur UKRA license {im 99 percent sure dont use that in court}

I have no clue on any decent shops in the UK, apart from maybe Evike, who ship to any pile of sand larger than a square foot. If you ever need stupidly cheap gear or parts, is a pretty nice site! it is the aliexpress of airsoft
yeah true but i'd recommend maybe going for a M14 with a small scope on it
go for wood maybe instead of the TAC version
definitely recommend this, much easier on the wallet than crye or cancer tactical
Yeah, the tactical is nice and all but I want to be unique
@Inchs buy a full gimp suit and run out onto the field im sure you'd be very unique then
Just to clear things up, there is no such thing as a UKARA licence. But you can become a member if you meet certain criteria.

UKARA is essentially an organisation to protect retailers, hence the name United Kingdom Airsoft Retailers Association. Of course, this goes beyond just protecting retailers and helps ensure that only people who intend to use realistic imitation firearms (RIFs) legally can obtain them. However, the onus in law is on retailers to ensure that the RIFs they sell are to be used for permitted activities which is the main reason UKARA exists.

There is no restriction on owning an RIF, however, it is unlawful to manufacture (including modifying a ‘two-tone’ into an RIF), import or sell an RIF. But, there are a number of legal defences which includes using an RIF at an insured (third party liability insurance) airsoft skirmishing site. For example, it would be illegal for somebody to sell an RIF to somebody who does not intend to use it for activities such as attending an insured airsoft skirmishing site. This is why the majority of retailers use the UKARA member database or check you have a membership to a site to help ensure that they are selling RIFs to people who intend to use them for permitted activities.

Also, on a point brought up by @aarondavid45, it would be completely legal to modify an imitation firearm (two-tone) into an RIF, even before you are eligible for UKARA membership, as long as you intend to use it at an insured site. For example, I had a two-tone Glock 17 (orange slide) which is now collecting dust somewhere due to the pandemic but instead of wasting money on an entirely new one I decided to purchase a custom slide to modify it into an RIF and I can easily prove that I intend to use it at an insured site due to my membership to said site or even an email or bank statement confirming a booking.
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