Alex_:D Refund Request

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Please note that I have not made this refund request, Alex has requested me to post this for him

Your in-game name: Tim Jimzon

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37230668

What do you need refunded: 1.3 million dollars

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Gambled with a player, lost several times, then I bet 200k, won, told the player to keep the 200k so I could theoretically bet 400k, I then won, meaning I had 800k in the pot, the player then ran away from me, he was then caught by police and asked to return the money under the Fraud Law, he refused to withdraw the money from his ATM.

I believe that the player had the intention of scamming me all along, waiting for me to build up huge bets before running away with my money, overall I bet around 1.2-1.3 million dollars and would like this returned as this is what would happen in real life, I would be given back my full amount of money I lost to his fraudulent scam.

Therefore he broke rule 2.1 as what he did was not realistic.


Tick:56000-end of demo, second demo 0-end of demo
Jeffers won 600k from Alex rolling under, Jeffers had to store the money to pick more hence can only carry 200k at a time.
After this you told Jeffers to hold your 200k that you dropped so that you could double from 400k to 800k, you won the bet but Jeffers dipped it and a few minutes after had to owe your money.

The money that you physically lost was around 200k and the legitimate money that Jeffers won was around 600k.

Don't want to risk losing cash? don't bet.
Firstly, if you believe I broke rules when I scammed you, then it would only be a refund request of 400k, because that's theoretically all that I scammed you for, the rest you lost fair and square.

Secondly I didn't break any rules by scamming you, as I didn't run directly to an ATM to bank the money once I had it, I tried to escape first, which then I got caught and dropped the 200k without any questions asked. This other '200k' which you so called bet by doing a 'double up' sort of thing once you won the original bet, technically no money was in transaction between us, because you didn't give me any extra money, and I didn't get any more money out. So all I owed you was 200k, which I gave you as soon as I was caught by the police.

Dumb RR, its legit just you being salty cause you lost all them bets, and then got scammed another 200k. There are plenty of other people who have lost money from gambling/being scammed, and I don't see them making any refund requests so why you think you are special and can I don't know.
I don't think I'm special, I just know that the police should have made you return all my money as that is what 2.1 implies, realistically you have used my money fraudulently and in real life all the money I lost would be returned.
In real life do you think people who make money from drugs get to keep the money? No. You scammed someone and therefore you should lost the money as you were caught committing fraud.

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It should first be established whether or not the 'scammer' broke any server rules, once this has been seen to and the administrative aspect of the situation has been dealt with then post a refund request.
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