Server Suggestion ALLOW an alternate Medic+Fire allocation method.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Description of the idea: Allow an alternate method of Fire+EMS unit allocation whenever 2 medics and 1 ff are on. As it stands right now i'm tired of being yelled at when I try it so i want it in writing or etc that it's allowed. Here it is described more below:

- Automatically assigned: Fire, Shootouts(Medical aid and corpse removal), Vehicle accidents, Water rescues.
- Can be called to: Medical/corpse cleanup for minor incidents as backup if requested, Medical calls if the main medic is busy, Anything the medic needs as backup.

- Automatically assigned: Medical, Corpse duty, Vehicle accidents, Water Rescues, Shootouts.
- Can be called to: Fires if mass casualties, anything the FF needs assistance with.

Why should this be added? (pros): Uses less vehicles to achieve the same response, Works fantastically with dispatch due to being assigned incidents instead of a rush to get to the same one, Avoids the medics being unavailable to deal with another call, reduces unnecessary units at a scene, gives medics a change of pace and makes fire fighting more than a afk and then come back for 3 minutes then afk and repeat job.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Requires good radio communication to know which unit is responding otherwise it's a mess, FF can't do corpse cleanup, The Fire truck is bulky and other units generally do not give it the space needed, requires 2 medics to work and if one medic goes off duty without telling due to arrest or etc then it can cause problems because now theres no ambulance but this might be changeable with protocol.

*Other additions: This is NOT a coding or anything edit, this is just a text edit via protocol that allows for this method to be used if certain conditions are met. Essentially a possible tool to be noted via dispatch SOP or etc.

Notes: IRL we use full sized trucks, we do NOT have tiny responder trucks. We have a dedicated rescue truck the size of a Engine, sometimes we send the ACTUAL engine out to rescue's as well if they're involved. So if anyone says that the full size truck is useless, no. A tiny first responder vehicle cant carry: Defib, backboard, ropes, water rescue, medical supplies, jaws, cutters, quick dry, air bottles, support wooden blocks, cones, rappeling gear, harnesses, axes, prybars, wheel chocks, and more.

Rescue pumpers also exist

*Images: No Images.
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hey brother i've seen you online a few times and perhaps a few hours that you were a firefighter and i haven't seen anyone yell at you and don't see any reason why they would. You can help evacuate bodies as firefighter once medics are cleared to move in, and vice versa. I've done many of these things as firefighter. You can also hide away from shootouts and heal officers when they come to you, and no one will mind.
hey brother i've seen you online a few times and perhaps a few hours that you were a firefighter and i haven't seen anyone yell at you and don't see any reason why they would. You can help evacuate bodies as firefighter once medics are cleared to move in, and vice versa. I've done many of these things as firefighter. You can also hide away from shootouts and heal officers when they come to you, and no one will mind.
I've been told off by quite a few members to stop actually. It was later in the day when you're off I think. I won't list names tho as I dont want to be rude.
This is allowed, but when it is ultimately proven to be ineffective (as it has been on several occasions), the police and/or dispatchers will probably tell you to stop doing it, especially if paramedics are arriving late to calls and causing deaths because of it.

I am all for sending firefighters to people who need basic medical attention (people who are bleeding/people who are crippled) and I am all for sending firefighters to help with body clean-ups by dragging bodies out of buildings after other incidents.

What is not acceptable is when paramedics are sent out in the large fire truck, which is capped at 50mph, does not manoeuvre well, is bulky, does not have the ability to remove bodies and is not allowed to leave the Fire Department unless it is responding to uncontrolled fires, as stated below:

"...the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire."

It is also not acceptable to blindly send paramedics and/or firefighters to active shooting situations, as joining shootouts in a manner that is unsafe is a violation of 3.4. Any sane Dispatcher would never send a firefighter to a shootout. You can, of course, hide away nearby and set up somewhere to allow Officers to come to you to get their legs fixed or health increased as long as you're in cover and it is safe to do so, though.

We have a dedicated rescue truck the size of a Engine, sometimes we send the ACTUAL engine out to rescue's as well if they're involved.
Sending the large fire truck out to some dude that's unconscious at the side of the road is unreasonable. It would be cool if firefighters were resistant to the piranhas at the hicktown lake to allow firefighters to do water rescues, though.

A tiny first responder vehicle cant carry: Defib, backboard, ropes, water rescue, medical supplies, jaws, cutters, quick dry, air bottles, support wooden blocks, cones, rappeling gear, harnesses, axes, prybars, wheel chocks, and more.
Hardly any of these exist in the game, so I don't see why this matters.

Look, I quite like the idea of integrating firefighters into more routine calls, but the way to go about this is to introduce new game mechanics that would help them actually be useful. There are plenty of ways to pass the time and kill your boredom as a firefighter that don't involve slowing down and inconveniencing paramedics by making them use inferior vehicles in both speed and utility. I'd love to see firefighters have actual useful applications in medical emergencies, but that would require development.

To anyone hating this, please tell me why? Nobody here wants to rp, they want the fire fighter to vanish the moment a fire is put out, as if they're a neglected child they never wanted.
Plenty of people here want to roleplay, but not everybody wants to roleplay the way you do. There are loads of ways you can create roleplay on the server and plenty of jobs you can do it in.

I've been told off by quite a few members to stop actually. It was later in the day when you're off I think. I won't list names tho as I dont want to be rude.
I was one of those people. When you start blocking roads with your fire truck for no reason or slowing down Police units because of the fire truck's terrible handling, this becomes an issue :)
I like what you do, I don't have any problem with it. Sure the Fire Truck is bulky and not ideal for EMS calls but it's realistically how a lot of EMS situations are handled in the states, most ambulances are run by Fire Departments and Firetrucks often carry qualified EMTs.
"...the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire."
I'm gonna say this. This is an absolutely TRASH rule that is in no way shape or form realistic. We leave in the full sized truck IRL for training, refuel, water refill, transporting mass people to an area, hydrant testing, and a few others.

"It is also not acceptable to blindly send paramedics and/or firefighters to active shooting situations, as joining shootouts in a manner that is unsafe is a violation of 3.4. Any sane Dispatcher would never send a firefighter to a shootout. You can, of course, hide away nearby and set up somewhere to allow Officers to come to you to get their legs fixed or health increased as long as you're in cover and it is safe to do so, though."
You're entirely right on the blindly sending them out and so when I say send them to shootouts I mean stage them up on the street like medic is until the scene is secure.

"Sending the large fire truck out to some dude that's unconscious at the side of the road is unreasonable. It would be cool if firefighters were resistant to the piranhas at the hicktown lake to allow firefighters to do water rescues, though."

A valid idea actually, a VERY valid idea. But we send out our full sized rescue truck to simply just move a guy from his upstairs room to the ambulance.

"Hardly any of these exist in the game, so I don't see why this matters.
Look, I quite like the idea of integrating firefighters into more routine calls, but the way to go about this is to introduce new game mechanics that would help them actually be useful. There are plenty of ways to pass the time and kill your boredom as a firefighter that don't involve slowing down and inconveniencing paramedics by making them use inferior vehicles in both speed and utility. I'd love to see firefighters have actual useful applications in medical emergencies, but that would require development."

"Plenty of people here want to roleplay, but not everybody wants to roleplay the way you do. There are loads of ways you can create roleplay on the server and plenty of jobs you can do it in."

Fair enough. I just think way to realistic and have abit of an obsession with ultra realism and need to think about not everyone does that.

"I was one of those people. When you start blocking roads with your fire truck for no reason or slowing down Police units because of the fire truck's terrible handling, this becomes an issue"

Well right now theres no protocol for allowing room for the fire truck. I pull over the truck to let cops pass, I park away from scenes, and the only time i blocked police was when the land rover behind me couldnt use his brakes and slammed into my rear as i was trying to stage and shoved me forward. Also as I said if this is implemented and refined more often then people will learn to space better. At farm I should of placed at the fence instead of driving in.

To put it simply... You have very valid points and glad you said them Ellie.

Technically everything you describe here is allowed, however usually is dependent on who is on duty of dispatches/ranking officers in the PD. Firefighters can be extremely useful in shootouts, even more so in the future when healing won't be as straight forward.

Other than that I do really like the idea of enabling firefighters to be able to rescue people from the hick-town lake, maybe even the power station at business. I'll see if that's possible. In addition to this we can see about making some changes to 4.3 to allow for more uses of the fire truck.
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