Server Suggestion Fire Fighters don't burn when dead.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Suggestion Title: Fire Fighters don't burn when dead.
Suggestion Description: We don't burn when alive, why should we burn when dead? Ingame fire fighters are immune to burning but not damage, indeed IRL our equipment is flame resistant and self extinguishing but heat soak and heat bleeding through are still concerns. So why should this power suddenly go away when dead.

I've rarely had fire fighters go down but as it stands fire rescue is impossible going unconscious but IRl we have dedicated teams for this, R.I.T (Rapid Intervention Team). Removing the ability for us to burn while dead means we can operate as if we have this team dragging it outside for medics.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes firegrounds slightly safer, the burning bodies do WAY more damage to us than a fire tile.
- We can stage fire ground rescues, I rarely have to do this but when it'd be fun to be able to. As of right now the moment they die is hopeless.
- Possibly improve fire + ems co-operation as i don't even bother calling medic due to them dyeing the second they fall unconscious.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be screwy to do as im not sure how material properties are done and if unburnable trait can be applied as well as if its even possible for specific bodies so normal people still burn.
- Could remove a fear element leading to more FF down as they know its not instant death but this is a what if scenario.
One more con that I can think about is the fact that it removes the only way there is to remove DNA from a FF body
One more con that I can think about is the fact that it removes the only way there is to remove DNA from a FF body
A potential solution to this is to have firefighters burn, but on a 30-60 second delay as their suit starts to melt away. (Sort of like armor)
A potential solution to this is to have firefighters burn, but on a 30-60 second delay as their suit starts to melt away. (Sort of like armor)
I actually like that alot more and if this is added I'd want it to be like that.

Our gear can melt but it takes awhile depending on intensity. I remember one story someone's Velcro melted and ran down their leg, not fun but it can melt.