Server Suggestion Allow bank robbers to take hostages

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Description of the idea:
Allowing bank robbers to take hostages. Currently a bank robbery is basically a PVP fest. People can still decide if they want a hostage

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • More roleplay to bank robberies
  • The bank isn't a warzone whenever someone tries to rob it
What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • Your friends become hostages
  • Cops can't shoot granting you free access out because you have a hostage and 10 million dollars in your pocket
  • Your hostage will call out locations as they aren't allowed to be shot (RDM) thus free UAV
  • 9/10 hostage sits end up in people getting killed anyway
  • drop off hostages past money delivery timer resulting in free money from bankrobbery and only Walter PPKs required
I really agree with your point of view. While people tend to go with the best meta in PERP, I think it’s still important to keep siding with what provides the most RP. As it stands right now, people couldn’t take their friends hostage unless they are involved in the robbery in the first place as it would be breaking the rules, there’s one major problem solved. Additionally, having robbers pose as hostages gives a lot more depth and forces the PD to strategize and stay on their toes.

Obviously any random guy can get taken hostage and possibly killed and this is also an issue, however, there will never be more than say 10 robberies a day and therefore it’s not a gigantic negative impact on people who may get caught up in the mix.

While it would suck to get taken hostage and possibly lose items etc, I feel like it’s reasonable and doesn’t violate rule 2.5 as taking hostages could absolutely provide benefit if used correctly

also it would stop people loitering around robberies and actually make them fearful, a problem that exists in literally every shootout
I mean, you'd be lucky to have 1 bank robbery a day, it's really rare. Realistically a new player can get mugged, shot, raided anywhere so I don't really see it as an issue
I mean, you'd be lucky to have 1 bank robbery a day, it's really rare. Realistically a new player can get mugged, shot, raided anywhere so I don't really see it as an issue
And we could also make it so you cant mug the hostage, because a hostage would literally be the First person u can find on the street
The PLPD would get bored of negotiations and would start a shootout.
As much as it would be a great addition to actually add RP, the TFU just want a shootout
So someone added cons to the idea instead of me and I will address them

  • Your friends become hostages - A rule regarding bank robberies can be put that disallows taking friends/org members as hostages just the way there is one that disallows taking hostages in general
  • Cops can't shoot granting you free access out because you have a hostage and 10 million dollars in your pocket - When negotiating with the cops the robbers have to let the kidnapped person go and then make their escape
  • Your hostage will call out locations as they aren't allowed to be shot (RDM) thus free UAV - The hostage calling out locations is prohibited, as a hostage would not be allowed/shouldn't speak in such situation since it can be considered FailRP and FearRP
  • 9/10 hostage sits end up in people getting killed anyway - There is nothing that can be done about it, as police are allowed to shoot anyone who has a gun on their back, the fact that guns are so widely available and that the map is small and a proper escape from the cops without a shootout would be impossible
  • drop off hostages past money delivery timer resulting in free money from bankrobbery and only Walter PPKs required - This isn't true as the robbers would be required to drop the hostage when they get their money and are about to leave the scene in order for their demands to be met
What’s to stop people from taking people hostage and once a majority of Officers are in one place just gunning down the entire PD.

This happens regularly during actual raids and hostage situations. What is your solution to that?

Just to clarify I am not entirely against this change but I just don’t think it would used how you intend it to be.
What’s to stop people from taking people hostage and once a majority of Officers are in one place just gunning down the entire PD.

This happens regularly during actual raids and hostage situations. What is your solution to that?

Just to clarify I am not entirely against this change but I just don’t think it would used how you intend it to be.
nothing, its called RP for a reason and if cops play it smart this thing wont happen
By that logic if crims play smart you won't need a hostage
I don't think you read what I said earlier. The point is not to make bank robberies easier for crims, its to bring RP to them
What’s to stop people from taking people hostage and once a majority of Officers are in one place just gunning down the entire PD.

This happens regularly during actual raids and hostage situations. What is your solution to that?

Just to clarify I am not entirely against this change but I just don’t think it would used how you intend it to be.
I mean, what's to stop the officers from gunning aswell?
I once took a police hostage that decided to not hold his gun in passive as negotiator, and then the PD started gunning us down aswell because they got "mad" resulting in death of 2 hostages, this could go both ways, and in both scenario's there is no RP involved, and should result in a no intention to RP warning/ban?

Bank robberies are not done because you get lots of money from it, they are currently just used as KOS COPS thing.
I do some hostage rp a few times with @Max in Jennifers which usually ends well, so why can't we try this with bank
If we add alternative bank robbery methods I think we should allow this, however people will just take their friends hostage during bank robberies, or random people will just be forced into long winded RP against their will. With the bank drill this method would stall the situation quite heavily.
If we add alternative bank robbery methods I think we should allow this, however people will just take their friends hostage during bank robberies, or random people will just be forced into long winded RP against their will. With the bank drill this method would stall the situation quite heavily.
ok here we go again, im repeating the same shit over and over again "A rule regarding bank robberies can be put that disallows taking friends/org members as hostages just the way there is one that disallows taking hostages in general"

Also what is that argument saying that they will get kidnapped against their will to be the hostage? That is the point not everything can go somebody's way. And once again I seriously don't see a problem with the situation taking longer, to me it seems like you are just looking for PVP TDM FREE FOR ALL bank robbery
I agree with your idea, that gives +support from me, it would be more realistic and expand the server as well.
What’s to stop people from taking people hostage and once a majority of Officers are in one place just gunning down the entire PD.

This happens regularly during actual raids and hostage situations. What is your solution to that?

Just to clarify I am not entirely against this change but I just don’t think it would used how you intend it to be.
Tbf the PD should spread themselves out, hostage situations in apartments are incredibly cramped and there isn’t much room to spread out for example whereas the bank has so many angles to flank from
I mean, you'd be lucky to have 1 bank robbery a day, it's really rare. Realistically a new player can get mugged, shot, raided anywhere so I don't really see it as an issue
Spent a night doing so many bank robberies that it rewarded us with 3k between two people lol
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