Server Suggestion Allow muscle cars to do a wheelie

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Suggestion Title: Allow muscle cars to do a wheelie
Suggestion Description: Cars which are the muscle type should be able to do wheelies. The more upgrades the car has the longer and higher the car can go for.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes the cars being driven more variable
- Gives a realistic feature to a rarely seen car
- Good for roleplay
- Fun to play with
- Reasonable powerup given most muscle cars are slow compared to any PD vehicle except the transit.

What negatives could this have?:
- Maybe limited by source 1?
tbh if you want wheelies play gta cmon this can be taken advantage of in so many situations, they can drive over barriers and the small walls on the highway etc.
over barriers
their cars go about 60mph, the slowest pd car is 80 mph. You're catching them, if you don't that's a skill issue.

the small walls on the highway etc.
Cars wreck just by the small air time you get from a speed bump, i don't think falling off the side off the highway is a good strat since the only result can be your car wrecking and you being majorly injured.
their cars go about 60mph, the slowest pd car is 80 mph.
I still believe it could be taken advantage of, also when i speak of walls on the highway i do also mean the ones in the middle that divides the two roads. Don’t think this ever will be added to be honest.
A muscle car at max upgrade gains the ability to hop over a divider and that seems too op?

As PD can shoot tires, shoot to disable, spike both sides, slowest car is about 20mph faster.

Sure there's an "advantage" because an officer's car can't do it. The criminal is still taking a very high risk by doing this maneuever, In addition this manuever does not in any way cancel out or overwhelm all the aforementioned cons of doing such maneuver that give the PD full legal authorization to shoot out your car.
There’s absolutely no function here beyond misuse. I don’t see how this will “balance” muscle cars at all and I don’t see this having any use, at all.

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