An Actual goodbye

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Ohio, United States of America
I won't post the video anymore but here is a proper goodbye. I will miss a few people who i will give mentions to below

@Aquaa Thanks for giving me a chance in PD Command twice i was happy to be in it. Don't have to worry about you on crim anymore
@Oddy Fucking euro best friend. Will miss our late night grinds
@Chase Made cop at night a lot more fun enjoyed it
@mimeyy My org leader much love
@Jimmy Bovine My main org man best and much love to you
@Joey Skylynx Loved riding with you for hours talking football and chatting shit
@AwesomeGamersHQ Best deputy chief ever loved killing you by mistake with my golf
@Fielding Loved our constant fighting with each other over dumb shit on the server
@Collier We didn't talk a ton but your a hell good staff member one of the very few good ones. Always knew shit would be handled correctly when you were involved.
@Draxen Good man great staff member always enjoyed fucking around with you

Im sure there are a few more people i can't think of off the top of my head but ill still be around on the forums sometimes. Farewell people
First mention. I fucking love you man....I'm going to miss you so fucking much.....I just can't believe you've done this......I will not be able to replace you within patrol command....
Sorry broski. I did really enjoy my 2 rounds of patrol command. No matter how many times people suggested i go to different commands i wasn't willing to have anyone else be my captain. Appreciate you man. Def need to keep in touch
If only we got to blow up more things with gas cans and talk more about the Bills and Browns GOING TO TAH SUPAHBOWL.
Megapaw will pay for this…

Even though we did end off in a bad note I had a lot of fun with you, especially on cop when we both friendly fired our fellow officers, o7 homie, have a good one and my DMs are always open if you wanna talk or play something.
Much love,
- Joey
I won't post the video anymore but here is a proper goodbye. I will miss a few people who i will give mentions to below

@Aquaa Thanks for giving me a chance in PD Command twice i was happy to be in it. Don't have to worry about you on crim anymore
@Oddy Fucking euro best friend. Will miss our late night grinds
@Chase Made cop at night a lot more fun enjoyed it
@mimeyy My org leader much love
@Jimmy Bovine My main org man best and much love to you
@Joey Skylynx Loved riding with you for hours talking football and chatting shit
@AwesomeGamersHQ Best deputy chief ever loved killing you by mistake with my golf
@Fielding Loved our constant fighting with each other over dumb shit on the server
@Collier We didn't talk a ton but your a hell good staff member one of the very few good ones. Always knew shit would be handled correctly when you were involved.
@Draxen Good man great staff member always enjoyed fucking around with you

Im sure there are a few more people i can't think of off the top of my head but I’ll still be around on the forums sometimes. Farewell people
another fellow cop main quits :(
I won't post the video anymore but here is a proper goodbye. I will miss a few people who i will give mentions to below

@Aquaa Thanks for giving me a chance in PD Command twice i was happy to be in it. Don't have to worry about you on crim anymore
@Oddy Fucking euro best friend. Will miss our late night grinds
@Chase Made cop at night a lot more fun enjoyed it
@mimeyy My org leader much love
@Jimmy Bovine My main org man best and much love to you
@Joey Skylynx Loved riding with you for hours talking football and chatting shit
@AwesomeGamersHQ Best deputy chief ever loved killing you by mistake with my golf
@Fielding Loved our constant fighting with each other over dumb shit on the server
@Collier We didn't talk a ton but your a hell good staff member one of the very few good ones. Always knew shit would be handled correctly when you were involved.
@Draxen Good man great staff member always enjoyed fucking around with you

Im sure there are a few more people i can't think of off the top of my head but ill still be around on the forums sometimes. Farewell people
I was the one who always made you made you mad in the PD lol
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