Andrew Carry / bilo23

Reaction score
Andrew Carry witnessed me being mugged/scammed by several others as a newer player, and saw that they took everything I had. Rather than participating in the mugging or simply looking the other way, he met up with me once we were no longer in the area that the RP occurred and apologized for my experience by reimbursing me for the funds that I had lost.

While the other players (who I assume were allied with Andrew in some way) didn't necessarily break any rules by mugging me, Andrew went above and beyond by empathizing with what he recognized as a significant loss to a New Player.

Thank you, Andrew. I hope that other new players are fortunate enough to run into you, and I sincerely hope that you didn't lose any property, limbs, or flesh in the fiery and explosive revenge I enacted on the perpetrators.
Anytime! I just honestly couldn't stand that the people I was basing with would ever do that to you, I felt that I had to step in and help you out, as being mugged like that could easily put you off from having a great time on this server, especially as a new player, the least I could do was pay you back for the things you had unfortunately lost.
Andrew Carry witnessed me being mugged/scammed by several others as a newer player, and saw that they took everything I had. Rather than participating in the mugging or simply looking the other way, he met up with me once we were no longer in the area that the RP occurred and apologized for my experience by reimbursing me for the funds that I had lost.

While the other players (who I assume were allied with Andrew in some way) didn't necessarily break any rules by mugging me, Andrew went above and beyond by empathizing with what he recognized as a significant loss to a New Player.

Thank you, Andrew. I hope that other new players are fortunate enough to run into you, and I sincerely hope that you didn't lose any property, limbs, or flesh in the fiery and explosive revenge I enacted on the perpetrators.
Andrew is great fun
Always helps everyone
Is nice to see him recognised here