Another 12.3 Reform idea

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: A change

What law do you wish to change/add:12.3

I believe this law should be edited to allow a common traffic maneuver. I believe it should be changed to allow drivers to make a right turn on a red light, after coming to a complete stop at said light.

Why should this change/addition be made:

Many players i've seen on the server have broken law 12.3 as in real life unless there is a sign that says you are not allowed to, you are perfectly allowed to make a right turn at a red light, as long as you come to a complete stop first. Now you might argue, "but that'll cause way more traffic accidents puffy!" Well the thing is, most people just run the lights without even looking (Even intersection light at this point since that rule isn't really enforced anymore) And the thing is, most of the time you're waiting for nothing at the light. You just sit there (Especially at the light by Mad Joes) waiting for a bit for the light to change. This would at least partially alleviate that.

What is the aim of this change/addition:
-Reduce wait time at red lights
-Make in-game laws more accurate to real laws.
-Reduce amount of new players being pulled over for breaking traffic laws (When they're following the actual law)

Additional Information:
Howdy. Texas is no stranger to this brilliant law's enforcement so I give you 10 tumbleweeds out of 10. Well shucks, time to go have a smoke, take it easy, pardner.
The simple reason is most of the server population isnt american and right on red doesn't exist anywhere else
The simple reason is most of the server population isnt american and right on red doesn't exist anywhere else

Sure, but by no means is it illegal here to NOT go right on red. Legally permitting it does not mean outlawing not doing it. This just makes it easier for newer american players then. I'm pretty sure it's not JUST an american thing, as i've heard other people who did not sound american talk about it but who knows, been wrong before many times, could be now. Either way, banning it when there's absolutely no traffic just doesn't really make sense.
Sure, but by no means is it illegal here to NOT go right on red. Legally permitting it does not mean outlawing not doing it. This just makes it easier for newer american players then. I'm pretty sure it's not JUST an american thing, as i've heard other people who did not sound american talk about it but who knows, been wrong before many times, could be now. Either way, banning it when there's absolutely no traffic just doesn't really make sense.
Give people yield instead of stop signs, they start crashing into each other. Right on red will be the same
Give people yield instead of stop signs, they start crashing into each other. Right on red will be the same

It's better than people doing what they do now which is "No cops, better just run it!" Seriously, people just run it anyway. No point in making a law that convinces people they're not breaking the law, when they are.
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