Community Suggestion Another community meeting.

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Description of the idea:
Host another community meeting at the end of July. (Thanks @Zepol for pointing out this mistake)

We've gone through a lot as a community this past few months, and there are plenty of issues people wish to address.

This could go two ways:
1: We all partake in a constructive discussion on issues pressing the community.


2: It could just be a shit fest.

Hopefully its not the latter.

I feel as though @Dom_ has done a good job addressing issues raised as a result of recent events, however a community meeting would be very beneficial. We can discuss idea's and features suggested and what we would think of them, similar to how the last meeting went.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- We can let off a fair bit of steam I guess
- Have questions answered

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Could just be a cluster fuck I guess. Especially if recent events become the sole focal point of the meeting.​
Sorry I'm stupid and thought August was next month, editing now
Sounds good, I'd be happy to host one of these at the end of next month, I think I've done well at making posts to be transparent as I can with you guys however a little QnA would do us all some good.

These will be happening semi-regularly now anyway.
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