Apology for Matt Douglas

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Brinch
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Matt
Your In-game Name: Matt Douglas
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51638925

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Hacking
Why should this appeal be considered: To be completely honest before I say anything I was a reprobate when I played Perp. I watch old videos of me on perp and I cringe at how much of a "minge" I was. I showed no respect to anyone and just didn't care. I hope through this apology I can convey to you all that I genuinely have changed, and am hopefully ready to return to the community.

Hi all, this is the first time I've properly used my PC probably since shortly after I was banned. However I noticed a few of my friends were unbanned and thought i'd give it my best, see if maybe I can have the ban shortened to a few months, or even completely revoked. I was banned for hacking, which is inexcusable. It was slimey, and stupid. I honestly came to a point where I think I wanted to stop playing PC for a while because it was becoming quite boring, so I just went, fuck it nothing to lose and just did it. It was a spur of the moment thing one day when I was bored. I didn't really do much with it, I got caught because I was showing someone it lol. I understand this doesn't make it any more justifiable.

I was banned 600 days ago, I feel as if I have changed a lot over that time. I no longer want to be a minge. I would like this apology to be accepted so I can hopefully have make new friends and just return to a community which I oddly have good memories of. Hopefully I can return and I appreciate this would be a final chance, due to my record which of course is fair. Now onto the apology part of this.

Sorry to @Brinch even though we didn't end on bad blood. We had a laugh and agree'd I was to be banned, not that I really had much say lol. But sorry to even put you through the effort of banning me.
I'd also like to extend my apology to the community. I genuinely have videos i'll link and I understand why I was banned so often, I was such a troll. I showed no regard for others and just done what I wanted, without thinking of how others were effected. If i'd thought about how annoying it is when people hack against me, I may have not done it myself.

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