Apology to multiple people.

Reaction score
I am not going to ramble on anymore about what has been going on recently but for those who are unaware, @Liam, @Chris, @Luke, @xhantium and I have been going in circles, pretty much causing problems with each other which has dragged other members of the community into it.

I am going to start from the beginning with Chris Andrews and Luke Person. In the Parker area, I was given a ticket for parking in an area that I was not supposed to be parked in (I cannot remember it's name). Myself and others which I were basing with grew concerned about this and began to cause problems out-of-character about it rather than doing the correct thing and contacted a member of staff about the issue, Chris Andrews and Luke Person later raided our base with the full SWAT team and we ended up getting our asses handed to us and many of us resorted in arguing about this out-of-character. Of-course, I was proven wrong in the end by them both however sparked a conflict between myself and Chris over steam, hence why this apology is to Chris. I am sorry for the slander and disrespect I have shown towards you, I hope we can rebuild the rather stable friendship we had not too long ago, I am also sorry to Luke Person for questioning and going against his rather correct judgement on the situation.

Now with Xhantium Harper, we have had quite a history, the same as I have with Chris coming from the same server in the past. There have been some ups and downs over the time we have known of each-other. Most recently has definitely been the worst time for us and our friendship, there have been arguments, confrontations and general disrespect on a mass scale. Over steam and in-game, we have had issues and I would like to apologize for the issues that I have caused with you such as the disrespect and betrayal of you and the harper organization. I really hope you can begin to to trust me again and I could once again begin to trust you despite what you had said to me over steam.

The most serious and recent of them all, my problems with Liam. I am really getting tired of this confrontation just as I am sure many other members are. I barely know you but have yet been involved this enormous argument between us both. Sure, you disrespected me and you have officially apologized for your actions against me and I understand that this was mostly banterous behavior. As for our going back and forth with the dumb ratings and slander. I don't really know what to say other than I believe we both over-reacted rather than talking about our issues first.

I am also sorry to all those who I have dragged into this conflict.

Now, this is not me admitting to everything being my fault, this is me apologizing for the my participation in the problems which have been risen in recent times. I am expecting you all (not so much for Luke Person) to agree that you too had been one of the reasons for the recent problems between us all, I am looking forward to starting and rebuilding friendships between us all.

Thank-you for reading and I apologize for MY actions.
I'm glad you apologized. You're a very good friend and this just made me proud to see you doing this in front of everybody. I hope you can rebuild your friendship (even though I doubt you lost your friendship with Chris he is a forgiving person.) with Chris. Also you and Liam need to build some kind of understanding so you two can stop getting in a heated moment. Maybe a new friend.
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