Apology - V9

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban / Blacklist
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Dom_
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: Nate
Your In-game Name: Fawad-Jan Safi
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114176403

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered:
I am very very sorry for cheating, I've been regretting and thinking about the stupid decision I made to cheat. It was my fault and noone else's.
I've been banned for 325 days at the time of making this appeal.
After my ban I attempted to ban evade and I regret this and I am sorry for once again breaking your trust, I bought a year NordVPN, made a new steam account and bought Gmod again just to play on PERP... and I launched the VPN wrong and got caught by console.
Although I'm happy I got caught, because the next time I play on the server it will be legitimately.
I would like to apologize to Dom_ He spent his own time to catch us cheating because he knew but we wouldn't confess. I am sorry Dom.
I'm sorry to the whole community for breaking your trust, It's something I can't simply just get back but all I can do is promise you something like this will never happen again
I've been looking for alternatives to PERP after realizing it will take some time to get unbanned, I've tried other perps,FiveM,PoliceRP and many others... But nothing compares to Perpheads unique content and the close community that Perpheads is.
When I was banned over quarantine I still had my laptop (I got a new pc now cheers creepis for helping me out) But I was bored out of my mind and I used to check the forums everyday and the things I missed out on made me regret cheating the most, I wish I got to see the map rotations, And the many other game changing events that I probably wont get to see.
I've been on the forums a lot and been trying to get involved with as many things I can on Perp because I love the server and the community a lot and all I wish for is to play on Perpheads again.

Sorry to everyone. I hope you can give me a second chance.
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