Aquaa's Reformation (HELPER)

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Hello everyone,

After careful thought and consideration I have decided to change the way I behave on the server because I love to roleplay and am an experienced roleplayer. Additionally, I will be going for helper so if anyone wants to roleplay or needs help please pm me by clicking on my signature!

As a pre-emptive countermeasure to stop me from being disrespectful, like @bobo , I have taken out my keyboard keys to stop me. Please see below.

Thank you for accepting the new me.
Message from aquaa:

I am done. It's speech time motherfuckers in this bitch I have climbed through the hells, SCAMBANS hell. I've been there. I've done that. I'm finished. What I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna reform. I'm going to stop being toxic. FROM. THIS. MOMENT. ON. Quote me on that. If I say anything negative to my teammates again I'll quit streaming. Forever. Never again, I'll say one negative word. I will not feed, I will not troll, I will not AFK. Guaranteed. I've been through a lot, I've lost a lot of raids I could've won. I've had some really quality orgmates that I've put down with my words. Time to change it, I'm growing up. I'm turning into a man, I'm entering adulthood,I've gotta get some responsibilities. This is my fault, every game I lose I could've played better. The thing I'm gonna do now is, I'm gonna win every single raid the rest of the night. No more losses, I'm done. I'm going 100% try hard. I'm headed for the top rank 1 First thing I'm gonna do is take rank 1 NA, I'm transferring I'm going EUW rank 1 there. Transferring OCE? Believe it. Rank 1 there. LAN? Rank 1. China? RANK 1. Korea? rrrrrrrank 1. I will be the only league of Legends player to be rank 1 in every single region. Remember this name:Aquaa1. I'm headed for the top.
On receiving news of your reformation and running for helper. I will also be running against you for American helper position because I am more reformed. See you in the polls nerd
I can't wait to see what the new aqua brings!
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I shall no longer use violence. I will verbally convince you to stay away and preserve your life!