AR 3.4

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Wolverine/Kristen Renee
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: dont know/alliart ahmed or somthing like that
His/Her SteamID: dont know
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
This guy was trying to raid, by saying he was a cop, my mate dont trust him so the want him slide his badge under the door. i saw they was typing and i saw that he was not a cop. Then i took my ak becouse i want to mug him, forced him in to our apartment and ties his feets and hands but he still ran around, and 15-20 sec after i tied him he pulls out his gun try to shoot me.
this guy should be punished becouse he dont know the rules and dont know how to play on a role play server.
He will keep on doing the same if he dont get punished
Evidence (Demo Required): My demo show that i ties him, and hes pulling a gun. u could only record 30 sec so thats why i speed it up.

@LEWIS 088
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You metagamed by using the chat to see if he is a cop or not, you will not know that and it is not realistic to "slide your badge under the door to prove you are a cop".
I will just say this: The colour on the chat thingy on his name will be green even if he is a cop as a wall (door) was between you. This is so players won't meta game but as you didn't know that, you did meta game.
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