AR and RR in 1

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Synatec / Efua Makhal, fasool.joker / George Schurr, Laila Queen / Xanic^, zXDroNEXz / Spencer Reid and Richard Hammond / Coleman ....

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Dobby Dobby / Oscar Hobbs

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
We raided his Business shop when he appeared to be AFK with his gun in Passive Stance. We took his drugs and kept his AFK body under gunpoint, suddenly he wakes up and shoots Laila in the face with his Remington. An officer heard it and paniced resulting in us all dead.

1 Fully loaded M4a1

1 Fully loaded Remington

1 Fully loaded AK-47

1 Fully loaded MAC-11

Richard Hammond
Fully loaded M1911a1
Made this so I can copy paste into RR


Evidence (Demo Required):
Resolution is fucked up again. DONT KNOW WHY
Tick: 40000
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I think you will need to post a RR thread separated from this after this gets accepted which it most likely will. Nothing to argue about here, to your description he was kept under gunpoint all time. I won't support yet since I can't view the demo or watch the video until it is uploaded.
As you could see he had his Gun in safety. I gunpointed him and he instantly came back from being afk and instantly shot me!

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First, you need to do the RR on a separate thread. Second, add the drugs that were in there with the RR plus his Remi and , if any staff could see what he had in his inventory, add his inventory items since we were going to mug him too. Third, he clearly broke 3.4 when he was under gunpoint and should be punished.
I was lt at the time and responded to officer mavva or something's cry for help.
Guy's a minge. Ill try to upload a demo of him
+Support, The user clearly does not care about RolePlaying or the server rules if he pulls something like that.
I support this due to these rules being broken:
- 3.4 & 2.1 Shot a person having a gun pointed at his head, with no chance of surviving he then tried to turn around and shoot you.
3.16 Went afk during a roleplay situation.

Oscar has clearly broken 3.4 here as he had no realistic chance of actually escaping nor killing you two. There was 2 of you on either side pointing guns at his head and he shouldn't have attempted to shoot you and your friend.

As Oscar is currently server banned his ban will be extended from a 3 day ban to a 7 day ban, this is due to the fact he has received multiple warnings from me already within the past 2 weeks.

Thank you for taking the time to create this action request,
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