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Your Steam/In-game Name: Synatec - #PrayForParis / Efua Makhal

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Panda / No idea. (Feel free to edit staff)

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Suburbs house 1 was getting raided by the police after several warnings. When the criminal group (([PH]NightHunterDK, SteyLex, Laila Queen (Forgot steam name) and me)) were upstairs the police pushed and Panda did an unrealistic thing. He climbed up on the little glass thing of the stairs. (
His one foot was on the glass and the other was floating in the air, he would've fallen off in real life but the game doesn't allow that. I am sure it looked the same on his screen, he just can't climb up something while aiming his firearm and crouching he should've atleast done "/me balances on the glass thing".
When he killed me by doing that he walked to the other rooms and shot all the other people. If this didn't happen we probably would've won because we called shit tons of back up and I had a grenade ready to throw down there.
There are some witnesses but I don't know their forum name.

([PH]NightHunterDK please send me your demo so I can record your POV.)

Evidence (Demo Required):

YouTube video:
I don't know why my resolution is so fucked. My screen is 1920x1080...

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Whilst it may not be seen in the game itself, the fact that he is crouching along could suggest he was perhaps trying to edge along. Whilst the game shows his foot hovering over the edge, in reality he would be sideways, with one hand on top of the wooden fence. I personally do not think this is an unrealistic action, it was risky but in reality you could edge your way along that edge, with one hand supporting yourself on the wooden board.
Alright let me point out some things wrong in your base.

You were standing on top of that there is nothing supporting it. Also we had no other choice than use my tactic because you were most likely headglitching. Gotta ask the swat because I had no vision from there.
User did do an unrealistic action yet it wasn't completely his fault since game mechanics allow it.
I think you should do a potential RR for the 2.1 breakage but I do not believe any action should be took unless the staff thinks so.
+Suport, climbing on that tiny of an edge is unrealistic. You would fall down in real life.
3.3 Realistic Actions- All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player.

The source engine isn't an excuse, It's highly unrealistic to balance on that particular glass beam. You would have fell down and caused in injury to your person therefore breaking 3.3


Synatec's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71523592

Panda's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43561833

Can a staff member please edit the post and plug in the Steam ID's?
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If that's the case then Jordan climbing on Bolli's head to shoot someone inside of a suburbs house through a tiny crack would've been 3.3. You think a grown man 160 lbs+ (not including police gear weight) could stand on someones neck ontop of tiles on a roof for an extended period of time with a gun in hand?

Realistically, Panda could've shimmied over on the ledge IRL by bracing himself against the wood wall. However I'm not a mod/admin or one of those wannabe mods who post reviews on AR's about who's at fault or not. But that's just my opinion.
I feel like you should've attached your wooden boards to the other side of the glass in some way to prevent this. Animations don't always fit the action, and we can't really blame the player for this.


That looks functional to me, I mean shit the bed it implies that it was designed to stand on and shoot people. I don't imagine that you planned on doing /me's or making it rule-abiding by supporting it just before your death (fucks sake, not again!), either.

Now - in my experience of raiding these properties, the defenders often do the exact same thing and balance on the glass, shooting directly downwards. Do they get banned? Never seen it, never done it for that matter.

I don't have the motivation to look at the demo and see if you, or anyone else in the house did that, but here's the bottom line:
  • This happens frequently.
  • People stand on the sharp edges fences.
  • People stand on those stairwell 'barrier' things.
  • You probably intended to use the barrier, or the unrealistic board mechanism anyway.
  • I know of no occasion on where this has been considered punishable.
Let's face it: this name would not be existing right now if you hadn't died, because when people die, they like to look for excuses to exercise their table-salt in some form of bullshit online chemical reaction. @Panda was on the receiving end of this today, and I don't think he could have known any better given that this sort of combat happens all the time.


I'd like to start off by saying: I don't think this is a banable reason. But what he done was unrealistic to a certain extent. You could not crouch on a small line like that or fire your weapon whiles trying to balance. It would not be possible.

I will talk to Panda in game and decide if a warning/verbal warning is needed for this situation. Thank you for making the AR.​
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