ar at Micky O'neill

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Your Steam/In-game Name:aloo89/Leonard Mayfair
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Wizzd WRENCH/Micky O'neill
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:44627859
Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.23and 3.10 and any one get in he will stuck
Evidence (Demo Required):
[DOUBLEPOST=1503839278,1503834251][/DOUBLEPOST]thers steam id
That beam you were standing on is a way to get to my drugs and get out without jumping or crouching, you made the mistake of falling off and getting stuck. All of the beams were supported. There is a route in which you walk along the trash and you don't have to jump or crouch, you made the choice to do it. I can provide a demo of me walking along the path if need be. I used to do this quite a while back when Moron was still Senior and he was always cool with it after seeing the path, I would have gotten confirmation with another staff member but there was none on at the time.
Another thing is I added ALOO to see what his concern was to inform him you don't have to jump or crouch, but all he said was I broke the rules because he got stuck and said "nvm". I asked him what I did wrong again and he ignored me and went offline.
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I see no malice in the prop placement, it was an just an unfortunate accident.

However, I would suggest to place props differently in future, to reduce the chance of this.​
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