AR Bonquiqui

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This was a pure accident, i witnessed Bonquiqui hit matt, unsure if they had pressed the button to cross (at bazaar), your friend moved the weapon and Bonquiqui went to pick it up to move it and missclicked, after this they sid looc whats matts ooc name, i will refund him, i missclicked. If evidence of this is required please do say so and i will upload console screenshots
i didnt confiscate youre gun randomly i already explained you that it was a accident i offerd to give oyu more then the crafting price back and you didnt take it i said sorry aswell you know it was a accident
You offered me the crafting price, which is not what i got it for, it had attachments as well so it was worth way more, you then went on to say this in OOC
showing you aren't sorry at all, and just blatantly disrespect me in OOC.

Plus i don't recall you saying sorry once.
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