AR - Carter Smith/Matt Log

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Sorle/Alfa Watson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Synatec/Carter Smith + ???/Matt Log
His/Her SteamID: Synatec: STEAM_0:1:71523592 Matt Log: ???
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, RDM. Not entirely sure if Carter Smith did anything wrong, but Matt Log just walked up to me and started randomly punching me, resulting in my death.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
I found Alfa Watson punching walls for no reason at the hospital and I told him to stop. He proceeded to punch the walls and to scare him I said he should stop or I will punch him in his face. Right after that I thought he punched me so I said do that one more time, after watching my recording which I will upload once I am able to, I found out he did not hit me but I thought he did because I looked at my phone and heard the 'punch sound'. My bad.
This resulted in me eventually punching him back and knocking him down.

Not sure what Matt Log did but after I knocked out Alfa he also came back to punch me and @Smily resulting in his death.

As seen in the first punch, I was not paying attention at all and thought he punched me.

Matt Log is seen punching me and @Smily after I knocked out Alfa which resulted in his death.

@Synatec I honestly fail to understand why you would even care what he was doing, let alone threaten him. You ended up killing him for no beneficial reason.

I doubt you'd interact the same way IRL with a clearly mentally Ill person.

@MuZZ will also be punished for his unrealistic actions he's performed during the situation. It is still unclear why he want around punching people to begin with.
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