AR Ezrider

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ezrider/Jonathan Curtis

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: As you can see in the video he disconnected when none of his drugs were eligible for harvest he also got his m4 back which he later used to try raid me 20 mins later. After being killed in the raid he waited 5:07 exactly and then left the server probably knowing fine well none of his drugs were ready to be "Picked Early". I have a similar ban were i did not ask the raiders if all my drugs were taken and i was ok to leave and it got labeled as DCing so raiders couldn't get his drugs.
If he asked in ooc he could have waited another few minutes i'm sure the reason he DCd was not that important as he returned 15 mins later.


Tick: N/A

Thought I'd retrieve the logs of the situation.
Let's look at whether he observed the rules or not. I've bolded the clauses which are criteria for an invalid disconnect, and highlighted them in red or green to show validity or invalidity of the disconnect respectively. If we're unsure, we'll make it blue.

6.5 Disconnecting from the Server - When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes being unconscious. It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions. However if a player can provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play they should do so by informing a staff member with the use of the /report function. This rule is directly subject to an Administrator’s discretion.

'part of any role-play or administrative situations'
Does not apply unless he disconnected whilst having a role-play or administrative interaction with someone else.

'being unconscious'
Ezrider had already respawned by the time that he disconnected.

'sole intention of saving possessions'
The most appropriate definition of the verb 'save' for this context:

He cannot store up the drugs by disconnecting, therefore he cannot 'save' the drugs.

'provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play.../report function'
He does not need to provide a reason to you in OOC or even listen to whatever you said. If he didn't use the /report function to give a reason for his disconnect, then the interpretation that his presence was essential to role-play (i.e. the drugs being there) could be applied by administrators.

In its current state, this rule couldn't really be broken in this situation - but it depends on how the penultimate clause is interpreted by staff members, the practicality of a player needing to wait for someone to do something that they're not even directly involved in anymore, and the general ethos that players with drugs should confer with successful raiders in relation to any drugs placed down.

Therefore, I am remaining neutral in this process.
This is from Ezrider because he's a fool and got himself forum banned (10/10)

"I had said things over OOC about me getting raided and I assumed you were finished with the raid so I quit for a bit to help kitty get her OBS software working over teamviewer only to find out she didn't want to stream anymore. I then got back on later after helping kitty. If you didn't want me to DC, you should've said something in OOC after I said a few words but you kept quiet. I left after respawning and not when I was black screened, your loss."

He also made another point after he told me to post this about 3.2 as well being broken here from their side as they never even once had their spoken through mic or chat during the whole raid nor has the mic icon popped up even once in the video. You can also see the two facing eachother multiple times but never actually communicating in the demo which in reality does suggest that there is some outside communication going on.
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The player has a community-wide ban already. I'm not sure who's week this was for AR's but I'll go ahead and accept this for you. Please make a refund request with this link to receive your items back in game.
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