AR for 3.4 [Bframos + David + Zecrazyscotsman + Strobez]

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Great Britain
Your Steam/In-game Name: Allen / Allen Kennedy

His/Her Steam/In-game Name/Steam ID:
If anyone knows the forum account name of David or Adam then please comment it below so I can have their input on the situation.
@Bframos / Bruno Ramos / STEAM_0:0:80298665
@WhoopsSheWasUnder18 / Patrick Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:88021153
@ZecrazyScotsman / Kaleem Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:60104525
@Strobez / Sarah Fitzpatrick / STEAM_0:1:97845870

Why Should These Players Be Punished
To begin with, Sarah and Patrick were pissing around with knives which 'had shit smeared on them' and proceeded to piss around bazaar, before attacking my police cruiser for no reason. The problem started when I got tired of it and went to detain them both, planning on confiscation and fines for vandalism. I'd detained one, and was attempting to detain the other when Kaleem tried to 'rescue' them, at which point they attempted escape in Kaleem's van. There was also no /desc showing that the door was open for Sarah to jump into the van. As I attempted to gunpoint the driver out of the vehicle, he attempted to run me over with no realistic chance of escape, and truthfully, it was only due to engine limitations he wasn't killed immediately. Once they began driving off I was killed from behind by Brunos.

I believe all of the following players broke the following rules:

Brunos broke 3.4, 3.19, and 2.5 by killing me unnecessarily, endangering his own life in the process.
David broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most.
Sarah broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most. She also broke 3.3 by getting into the vehicle while handcuffed.
Kaleem broke 3.4 and 3.19 by ignoring my clear gunpoint, and initiating an escape when he had pretty much no chance of escape. It could also be argued that he broke 3.15 by abusing the game engine's limitations so he'd stay alive under fire when in reality, he'd be killed immediately by my shots.

Tick: 3:20 Onwards

Additional Comments:
I bear no ill will against any of the people listed here, I lost nothing in the rule breaks listed, and all it caused me was a mild annoyance.
If Kaleem can prove he wasn't driving the van, by providing a demo matching the timestamp of the log shown above, then I'll drop his name from the AR immediately.
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Firstly we had killed 2 people 1 a medic and 1 a civ so that is why i ran from the ticket. Yes i admit i broke 3.3 but 3.4 i was had a could chance to escape as he was "running" you over but the gamemode in that way would knock you down.

I did not smear "shit" on mine only david did i had tampered with evidence and picked it up, then rp'ed as if i was opening letters.
When You Say No Chance Of Escape, I Think You'll Find I Did Escape.
I'm not going to argue with you here, as I suspect that you don't know the rules, and you won't listen to the reasoning as to why it's completely unacceptable to break rule 3.4 in the way you did. I likely wouldn't have posted this AR had I been able to discuss with you all regarding this, as I don't enjoy making action requests on people.

//on phone
I'm not going to argue with you here, as I suspect that you don't know the rules, and you won't listen to the reasoning as to why it's completely unacceptable to break rule 3.4 in the way you did. I likely wouldn't have posted this AR had I been able to discuss with you all regarding this, as I don't enjoy making action requests on people.

//on phone
I Actually Have Good Knowledge Of The Rules. However This Is A Moment When The Heat Of The Moment Gets To You. We All Have Moments Like This
Well this is smart first of all we had killed 2 people before hand so we were worried his life alert went off and officers were going to put us in for 10 years so we did have a justifiable reason to run but when you gun pointed the driver of the car you jumped in front of a van going at least 10MPH which in real life being a driver myself would not only injure you will have most chance of knocking you down you risked your life pulling the gun out and shooting at people you didn't know committed a act of murder and only a ticket so you fired your weapon instead of placing down spikes you had fired the weapon causing in a member of the public who was indeed our friend taking it into their hands and shooting you in the back with a sawd of shotgun and as soon as you fired you risked your own life so before you go making ar's you should learn what you're arguing about before you really do
Well this is smart first of all we had killed 2 people before hand so we were worried his life alert went off and officers were going to put us in for 10 years so we did have a justifiable reason to run but when you gun pointed the driver of the car you jumped in front of a van going at least 10MPH which in real life being a driver myself would not only injure you will have most chance of knocking you down you risked your life pulling the gun out and shooting at people you didn't know committed a act of murder and only a ticket so you fired your weapon instead of placing down spikes you had fired the weapon causing in a member of the public who was indeed our friend taking it into their hands and shooting you in the back with a sawd of shotgun and as soon as you fired you risked your own life so before you go making ar's you should learn what you're arguing about before you really do

Well you know I did consider standing there and letting him wander off while I equipped the spike strip that I never have pre-equipped, but I thought that when he saw the gun aimed at his face he'd not want to end up shot, so he'd hop out and co-operate, instead of trying to stop, change gear, and attempt to run me over at a snails pace.

Additionally, as is shown in the attached video, you were clearly baiting me, as you were vandalising my car with an illegal weapon. In my opinion anyone who does that when they believe they could be wanted is clearly lacking in brain cells. I thought you both were just being stupid jokers like everyone else until you tried to run off. If you had stayed and accepted your ticket and knife confiscation I likely wouldn't even have bothered even running your name. Instead you escalated things further by attempting to escape.

I'm not going to comment on why @Bframos shot me, as it was clearly and unnecessary risk to his freedom, especially considering I shot in self-defence after the driver attempted to run me over, while under clear and undeniable gunpoint.

If you believe for one goddamn second that what any of you four did in this scenario was halfway acceptable then you're clearly not informed enough to play by the rules.

I'm blown away by the arrogance of your reply when you're clearly in the wrong here.

@Strobez You will receive punishment for 3.4 and 3.3 you believed you were wanted yet baited cops?and you got into a vehicle while in handcuffs
@WhoopsSheWasUnder18 You will receive punishment for 3.4, you believed you were wanted yet baited cops too.
@Bframos You will receive a punishment for 2.5 and 3.4, you had no reason to shoot @Allen Kennedy.
@ZecrazyScotsman You will receive a punishment for 3.4, you were under clear gunpoint yet still decided to attempt to drive away and run over @Allen Kennedy in the process.
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