Your Steam/In-game Name: Allen / Allen Kennedy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name/Steam ID:
If anyone knows the forum account name of David or Adam then please comment it below so I can have their input on the situation.
@Bframos / Bruno Ramos / STEAM_0:0:80298665
@WhoopsSheWasUnder18 / Patrick Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:88021153
@ZecrazyScotsman / Kaleem Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:60104525
@Strobez / Sarah Fitzpatrick / STEAM_0:1:97845870
Why Should These Players Be Punished:
To begin with, Sarah and Patrick were pissing around with knives which 'had shit smeared on them' and proceeded to piss around bazaar, before attacking my police cruiser for no reason. The problem started when I got tired of it and went to detain them both, planning on confiscation and fines for vandalism. I'd detained one, and was attempting to detain the other when Kaleem tried to 'rescue' them, at which point they attempted escape in Kaleem's van. There was also no /desc showing that the door was open for Sarah to jump into the van. As I attempted to gunpoint the driver out of the vehicle, he attempted to run me over with no realistic chance of escape, and truthfully, it was only due to engine limitations he wasn't killed immediately. Once they began driving off I was killed from behind by Brunos.
I believe all of the following players broke the following rules:
Brunos broke 3.4, 3.19, and 2.5 by killing me unnecessarily, endangering his own life in the process.
David broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most.
Sarah broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most. She also broke 3.3 by getting into the vehicle while handcuffed.
Kaleem broke 3.4 and 3.19 by ignoring my clear gunpoint, and initiating an escape when he had pretty much no chance of escape. It could also be argued that he broke 3.15 by abusing the game engine's limitations so he'd stay alive under fire when in reality, he'd be killed immediately by my shots.
Tick: 3:20 Onwards
Additional Comments:
I bear no ill will against any of the people listed here, I lost nothing in the rule breaks listed, and all it caused me was a mild annoyance.
If Kaleem can prove he wasn't driving the van, by providing a demo matching the timestamp of the log shown above, then I'll drop his name from the AR immediately.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name/Steam ID:
If anyone knows the forum account name of David or Adam then please comment it below so I can have their input on the situation.
@Bframos / Bruno Ramos / STEAM_0:0:80298665
@WhoopsSheWasUnder18 / Patrick Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:88021153
@ZecrazyScotsman / Kaleem Mohammad / STEAM_0:1:60104525
@Strobez / Sarah Fitzpatrick / STEAM_0:1:97845870
Why Should These Players Be Punished:
To begin with, Sarah and Patrick were pissing around with knives which 'had shit smeared on them' and proceeded to piss around bazaar, before attacking my police cruiser for no reason. The problem started when I got tired of it and went to detain them both, planning on confiscation and fines for vandalism. I'd detained one, and was attempting to detain the other when Kaleem tried to 'rescue' them, at which point they attempted escape in Kaleem's van. There was also no /desc showing that the door was open for Sarah to jump into the van. As I attempted to gunpoint the driver out of the vehicle, he attempted to run me over with no realistic chance of escape, and truthfully, it was only due to engine limitations he wasn't killed immediately. Once they began driving off I was killed from behind by Brunos.
I believe all of the following players broke the following rules:
Brunos broke 3.4, 3.19, and 2.5 by killing me unnecessarily, endangering his own life in the process.
David broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most.
Sarah broke 3.4 and 3.19 by attempting to escape over what would have been a ticket, weapon confiscation, and about a 5 year jail sentence at most. She also broke 3.3 by getting into the vehicle while handcuffed.
Kaleem broke 3.4 and 3.19 by ignoring my clear gunpoint, and initiating an escape when he had pretty much no chance of escape. It could also be argued that he broke 3.15 by abusing the game engine's limitations so he'd stay alive under fire when in reality, he'd be killed immediately by my shots.

Additional Comments:
I bear no ill will against any of the people listed here, I lost nothing in the rule breaks listed, and all it caused me was a mild annoyance.
If Kaleem can prove he wasn't driving the van, by providing a demo matching the timestamp of the log shown above, then I'll drop his name from the AR immediately.
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