Done in the past would imply at most about 30 minutes. You tried to tell me I can't revenge kill police officers, which I am failing to see that rule anywhere on this website so I don't feel I should be held accountable for a rule I cannot view anywhere. The person I was with who's drugs you took were actually mine. I sent him to store them in our org storage. So you stopped him for speeding, seen he had a warrant for a crime you could not prove he committed (because the medic never took DNA and didn't even witness it. The whole warrant was rubbish to begin with. I ran into my friend's car on accident, noone witnessed it, died, re spawned, a sweater seen my corpse, hops on medic, tries to revive me then followed my friends car and asks us about it. I told him in looc it was an accident, he tells the police my friend hit a guy based off the info I just gave him in looc, not what he witnessed as a medic and makes a report about something he, did not witness, had no DNA on, and only even found out about in looc) So you see my friends car, pull him over for speeding, search him based on a rubbish warrant, and take 75k worth of my drugs from him. IC, my friend can recognize what type of cruiser you drive, your face and character. (IRL officers wear name badges btw...but apparently not in Paralake) Later my friend specifically asks OOC, "Who was the officer who just took my drugs." for the purpose of an AR because of the warrant situation. The only person to respond was D3V...Officer Belinsky, the officer who he recalled taking the drugs and gloating about his find, whom my friend recognizes IC by his face and OOC as the name above him. This seems to just be an issue over whether or not I can revenge kill an officer, which like I said earlier, I see no rule on this website about it. 2.5...I would call 2.5 on people for saying "That was EZ, you suck, Perp isnt for you, Go outside, dont passive rp, and the plethora of negative rude comments in OOC after excessively raiding someone, but I wouldn't call 2.5 for revenge killing. If someone mugs me for 75k as a civi...I can go kill them, because IRL a drug dealer would definitely do that for 75k. The reason drug task force units usually wear masks IRL is so that criminal organizations can't retaliate against them. However, if your gonna confiscate that much money from someone as an unmasked police officer, I would expect revenge.