AR Joneij

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Professional Stripper
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Your Steam/In-game Name: CeriEdwardsx / Dai John
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Joneij
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44899188
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe they broke 2.5 by executing me as SWAT when i was no clear threat towards them.

Situation occured at the car dealer in Bazaar, it was a crime scene and i was attempting to transport my firearm to my car at the car dealer. I was told by a Corporal to transport my firearm to my car in front of the SWAT officer. When i proceeded to walk to my car after about 4-5 seconds i end up shot dead by the SWAT officer when i was no threat towards him.
Evidence (Demo Required): 01-25-36.dem?dl=0
Tick: Near the end of the demo. ( i can't view demos properly, i stopped the demo recording as close as i could to the end of the situation)
I'm not sure if my microphone worked at the time but basically from my view it looked like you was attempting to just go away from me and get good position to shoot us with your sniper rifle i said multiple times to stop but you just keep walking why would you have sniper rifle next to crime scene anyway? probably not because you was going to transport it to your car so i said multiple times to stop with my gun pointed towards you and you just keep walking forward so i shoot you down for everybody's safety that's my view it's not excessive if you shoot armed guy who denies to stop and tries to escape from you. If you think about it realistic officer gunpoint's you in real life and orders you to freeze / stop and suspect is armed with sniper rifle officer would have to open fire.
From my point of view, you dealt with the situation completely wrong. One thing i believe you should use your initiative and not what would happen IRL. Clearly the Corporal told me to transport my firearm in front of you. When i proceeded to do so i posed no obvious threat towards you what so ever. I was walking to my car and get shot down by a swat officer for more or less absolutely no reason. Even if i was going to snipe you, how could i do so in the Car Dealer where there's multiple NPC's which could easly break 3.21 and 3.4 as it would end up me against the entire police force where i'd be vastly outnumbered. You had three options, you could have gunpointed me, let me carry on what i was doing or shot me. Even though i was only walking towards my vehicle you chose the most excessive of the three, which I believe was the wrong decision.
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