[AR] Mango 'Alessia Harper' - RDM

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Austria, Vienna
Your Steam/In-game Name: Mucky / Adour Mikoyan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mango / Alessia Harper
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:119099254

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
We were driving around in our Transit, along the highway... when suddenly a SWAT on the overpass/bridge over the junction opens fire on our van and sprays his whole mag on us and disabled the car. Seconds later, Chris (passionate battering ram) rammed in our group of four people with his SWAT van, taking out the majority of us. Few minutes later I died as last man standing too, in the gunfight.
Generally, the SWAT on the bridge did NOT have permission to shoot - according Chris' words.

What was lost after the incident:
3 AK's + mag each ---- @Coolkid - @Mofidos - MISSING
1 M4A1 + mag ---- @Mucky baby boy

Evidence (Demo Required): Can't be provided anymore as I dont have time left. Sadly demo.ovh.eu turned into something else and mega.nz doesnt really work for me.
Hope this gets solved by other's evidence and statements in this thread
Tick: n/a
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Unfortunately we don't know at this time who started shooting but one suggestion was @Mango, who was one of the SWAT officers at the time; could you please comment on what you know @Mango?
So let's start off when I came on duty. I asked where the SWAT van was and Chris said somewhere near bank or something and then he said the black transit is evading and he is going to be chasing after him in the SWAT van, which implies the people in the van are armed and dangerous. Also, he said they were involved in a bank robbery or something like that and Chris would not chase suspects in a SWAT van if they were not armed and dangerous and involved in something. He said they were heading towards intersection so I can up on the bridge and as they approached I asked for permission to shoot but I had no response, Chris was far behind and it would of been impossible for him to keep up and considering no one answered whether to shoot or not, me thinking on the spot that they're armed and dangerous and swat were persuing after them I took it upon my self to shoot. I only shot because apparently you were involved with the robbery and shot multiple people, you were armed and dangerous and SWAT were chasing after you in the van, so I don't see how shooting the van is breaking rules. I only shot the amount of bullets it took to disable the van so Chris could catch up, I did not mean to harm any of you in anyway and my only intention was to disable the van. Also, Chris rammed into you with the van so he was also going to use force?

Let me just say I did not start the shooting either, it was another SWAT officer who took the first shot but I literally shot a second after him.

(I have to go off for the night so I'll continue in the morning.)
Yea we were like on the highway and he started opening fire at us wrecked our van and then keept shooting for no reason, he never been told to open fire at us anyway
which implies the people in the van are armed and dangerous.

Your rationale is that since the occupants are armed and dangerous you can fire into a fleeing vehicle at range, where this use of lethal force could lead to fatal or critical injury of any and all occupants.

I did not mean to harm any of you in anyway and my only intention was to disable the van.

Furthermore the vehicle tires were untouched, you damaged the engine completely and this means that your 'firing to disable the vehicle' was essentially a probable death penalty.

You read between the lines of the communications and jumped to conclusions: a positive ID was made (albeit it was wrong, this was an IC error) based on the appearance of the driver and the man that went missing from the bank robbery. You asked if you could shoot it, but no answer does not mean 'yes by all means'.

The only time when I would be firing into a vehicle is if it is justifiable to fatally injure the people inside because they are a direct threat, because that's what you're likely to do realistically speaking.

Also, Chris rammed into you with the van so he was also going to use force?

After the SWAT start a shootout and the occupants return fire, that leaves me with no choice but to use such force to be honest.

@Mango - I need you to tell me who the other SWAT was that initially fired upon the vehicle; if you can't recall this you will need to provide a demo and tick.
Mango You were the first to shot you had an m4 on you i had the m24 and chris was in his van
Now i have a couple of points for what happened first off the swat at the time were me @Mango and @Chris. Me and mango just re spawned at pd after being killed in a bank raid Chris said it seemed clear so he will start bagging all the guns so he did that. then he said something on the radio about a black van leaving the area. (Rendering video because chris asked me to)

Shooting the van was not justifiable. You can have your guns refunded if you submit a Refund Request.
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