AR - Mark Asher

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: sorle/Blair Mckay
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Mark Asher
His/Her SteamID: ??
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1 3.4 Reloaded under direct gunpoint, took advantage of the fact that I couldn't see or hear the animation when he faced away from me, when realistically I would've
1. heard it
2. seen him take the bullet out and put it in
and just straight up shot him.
Evidence (Demo Required): - gun was in fact empty

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Hey, I'm Mark, I'm going to give my reasoning for my actions and respond to questions or concerns to them as needed.

You sold me an M24 at the Bazaar and you dropped the gun in the back room after I gave you the money and rifle ammo boxes that we agreed upon, I went to pick it up and you gunpointed me, as a muscle memory kinda reaction, I tried firing at you, but it was indeed empty, you knew this. You thought you were safe. You didn't yell at me or anything as I ran to the corner and loaded a round in and I shot you. I did this mainly because I thought you thought that you were safe and had no need to worry about me pointing this gun at your face, and realistically, you could load a round in relatively quietly, but odds are you could probably see it. I also do not believe there are rules specifically against reloading under gp, idk for sure. Your first mistake was not shooting me sooner for not complying and when I suspicially hid in a corner.

Tl;dr, I hid in a corner to load in a round into the M24 that you had no idea I had and I shot you with it when I turned around.

Without Mark's perspective I can't really do much. As I can't see when he tried to reload, when he did reload and when he shot you. Mark, if you could. A video of the situation would be great.
You have 48 hours to do so.​
Here's my POV
I made it unlisted so if for some reason you can't see it, let me know and I'll just make it public
In this, you clearly turned away from me. Realistically, as I said, I would've heard it AND saw it, and you had no way of knowing that I turned around, so it was a disproportionate risk for your life.

Considering how it was only us in bazaar too, there was no background noise. I realistically WOULD'VE 100% heard it, considering the mechanism of firing on a M24 and how loud it is to load.
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After having a thorough thought about this situation. I concluded that the situation at hand was a 'High Risk, High Reward' sort of situation as well as a bit of Karma. Mark took the opportunity of turning around and putting a bullet into the weapon where you were busy locking the door. You should know better than to leave a sniper in someones hand where they can easily reload it. Nor should you have had your back to him or even let him turn around.

However, another factor is that you didn't hear the sound of the weapon but I believe this could've easily happened as nothing would realistically be that quiet in the back of a bazaar shop as well as the adrenaline that must have been going through your character.

In my eyes, you tried to scam someone and got shut down. Neverlucky really.

Then again, Mark. Do not try to attempt this again as it is very risky and due to the timing of everything you managed to get away with it. But that does not mean that you can just turn around and load your weapon every time.

One more time. Do not do this again.
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