AR-Moon and JB

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United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Your Steam/In-game Name:The HitMan/Callum Byford
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: JBrisky/ Jak Brisky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68130601
Why Should This Player Be Punished:Bob Bobovu had been mugged in Slums 3, I had taken down his details, what was taken, suspect descs. I told him to call 911 if he sees them. I then put a BOLO out on the 2 people, Chris radios in about a possible match, I then pull them over at Bazaar. I question them both about what has happened and search them and the car they had, I found nothing that I could use as soild evidence. Bob comes to Bazaar and says it's them of which at this point I was letting them go. I uncuffed both of them and sent them on their way. I then spoke to Bob saying I had lack of evidence and what not, I was telling him I keep looking for the suspects, of which during this time Moon and JB parked at the Car Wash and sniped Bob while he standing infront of me. I then called the car out and DNA was gotten from the Body, both were set a warrant. I had no evidence to suggest it was them at any point, they made it clear when they killed him infront of me. I also had their names and descs of them both.
Evidence (Demo Required):
@Moon The Goon , @JBirksy , @Google Chrome
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