Ar on moon

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: David/Patrick Mohammad
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Moon/Jack Bingo
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:1:79587560
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.15 Vehicle damage Fucked my car right into a wall by ramming the back of it I was going to shoot him but ar feels better as he called me a "autistic fatcunt"

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Well well,you obviously baited me for a race and as soon as i went behind you,you literally slammed ur brakes just waiting for this to happen purposely and then you can see in the end of the video i took a hard left theres nothing i can do about especially when im not used to that specific car.
"autistic fatcunt"
so i said something ic'ly because you obviously thought you're a badass trashtalking to me thinking you're controling people instead of asking nicely and i would consider it as it was a complete accident but you decided to be a moron about it so its completely ur own fault.
if I baited u for a race "which I didn't" why go into the back of me and not around me

and If you're talking about me hitting the brakes at the red light at intersection maybe I didn't want to go through the red like u tried to your fault now no 1.1 calling me a moron
f I baited u for a race "which I didn't" why go into the back of me and not around me
This is your best excuse? why didn't i go around you? because i didn't expect your car to be as slow compared to his car as i dont own it, if you fixed your attitude in first place i would of paid for it my self and save your time and mine. also check out 0:02 when i actually had room to escape i did so and then instead of you doing the same you keept on rolling towards the building which was not so wise from your side oh well accidents happen slow down next time and dont bait for a race and then slam your brakes jimmy!
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I think we should all just try to get along, and not ram cars at excessive speeds @Moon. Please avoid doing
this in the future, as it's both stupid and unrealistic.

@David I feel that your A or D key would of come in handy in this situation, I believe you had sufficent time to react to being rammed.
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