ar on 2 cops

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Richard sunby
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: bojing mohamed and morgan something
His/Her SteamID: IDK
Why Should This Player Be Punished: So basically someone shoot somewhere on paralake and cause these cops were bored they decided to say it was from regals (it wasnt even near regals but whetever) after telling us its a 50 call gun that was fired and showing them ours a shotgun and an ak74 u they decided enter the house i dont know with what right and cuffed us ( their reason was they had to find the bullethole cause the shoot was from our regals app) +there were 2 other regals bought as well but they came to us and only us .Anyway after entering illegaly in our house they discovered drugs and confiscated em.I believe they broke the rules cause like that anyone can join cop and raid whichever place he wishes @rogue had come but i suggested him to watch the video of mine. ( They completely ruined our rp for the night when we had just come from work )
Evidence (Demo Required):!NwVFwYKa!RqqZY6PIstPIFhSenQjJMlr5SIV8k64hlTZJBh0XggA
12 k until the end i guess

In the end the was no bullethole ........................ just a lame reason to search a property
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Lets start this off, I'm at pd and hear a single shot fired clearly from regals, shot sounding like a AK.... I proceed to move to regals and your apartment only being the one occupied you can see why I and my fellow officers got suspicious. I then talk to one of the guys who lives in the property and I ask for all occupants to come to the door and show me their guns. He tells his friend to come and starts talking in some other language... His mate was clearly stalling the situation (this could mean he was waiting for his barrel of his gun to cool down in game basically) up to the point I was ready to walk in there and get him myself.. Now at this point you can see we are even more suspicious. Finally when they are both at the door his mate shows me his gun which happened to be a AK74U... he told me that one of his mags wasn't full. Now this is when me and my corporal morgan decided to ask them if we could search the front room for bullet holes. They said no and them being the only people in regals where the shot was fired and the sound of the shot being like the gun this guy had on his back... ow then also him having not full mags we decided the handcuff both of them and search the front room under law :
3.8 Right to Enter Private Property
Seaching just the front room we found a chemical table with meth on it... so then you know we searched the rest of the property and confiscated the drugs.... and their guns as they had been defending their property with guns while growing drugs.

Next time tell your friend to not try mass rdm when he is salty, thanks.

@rouge Dealt with this in game and saw no reason why me or Morgan broke any sort of rule nor policy.
From the evidence we gathered we prosecuted you... if you wouldn’t if delayed or acted so suspiciouly none of that would of happened. Add me on steam if you would like to see my demo, or I can add it on here I don’t mind I’ll just do it tomorrow cause I can’t really be bothered to dc off perp right now
I presented my pov just wait for admins reply , thats all ( in the rp the other guy was on toilet taking a shit ) just be patient
after viewing the demo provided, which is much appreciated, I believe that the police officers had reasonable amounts of suspicion to enter the property due to the long amount of time it took for your friend to exit the room and proceed to the door; even though you were not necessarily involved in the misfire.

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