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Your Steam/In-game Name: Exnem / Julie Scott
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: 2SPOOKY4U/James Robret
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:71504904
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
- Lying in admin situation [1.4]
- Storing away his/her MP5 during an active shootout [3.18]

- Stalling roleplay
- Attempted to evade police with no realistic chance of escape whilst cuffed [3.3 and 3.4]

The user started a shootout prior to a previous 5.1.

Tick included with the demo
Ok so here whats happened I took my friends car so i could get some food and he said to the cops that it was missing so the cops found me and i was going to get arested so i run back to my friend and he was saying to the cops that hes ok hes my friend so what do the cops do come in whith a gun out so I shoot her with my mp5a4 then you ran off so I put my gun in storage and tried to close the doors but some one called dyan was shouting at my saying that why are you shooting so when Julie was outside (At the time i was think that she had went away so I put the gun in storage but he was calling back up) so 1 min later they come in with more people so I surrender and handcuff everyone so they take me to the car and they open the door but I cant get in but my friends at the time are shouting to unhand cuff them so Julie was detracted so I try run and I was going to get away but she sees my at the last second so she drags me back to the car so I try to get in again does not lets me so i am thinking is it my keyboard so i open the chat and press e and it puts it in the chat so i try getting in again but round the other side of the car still no so julie at this point was screaming GET IN THE CARRRRR I say I cant but filially i get in and go to the police station and go to jail and in the admin sit i say what i just said so........
You were being pulled over and about to be questioned, when i heard the word "he's armed" i pulled out my weapon as a precaution.
You opening fire on me was unnecessary, you were only being questioned.
The owner of the vehicle shouted that his car was stolen, a black escalade; i track you down at business gas station and tell you to pull over at the glass co, this way it's easier for the owner to retrieve his vehicle and for me to question both of you at the same time.

You shouldn't always pull out a weapon simply because an officer has theirs in his/her hand for self protection.
I didn't need to spend any time calling for backup simply because i had my panic button. But when you stored your weapon away mid-shootout and ran off i decided to call it code 4 when your friends informed me about you storing it away and running off, to add on; I even saw you run off therefore i believed your friends but you were still held under gunpoint when i made the arrest.

You were escorted to the vehicle and forced inside, I had to make multiple /me commands simply because you stalled the roleplay and ran off multiple times, you even exited the vehicle when I were exiting it to close the door. The only reason i enter the vehicle is to allow you to enter the back, source engine and the gamemode doesn't allow handcuffed people to enter an empty vehicle therefore I got in it, let you in and stepped out to close the door. As soon as i stepped out you stepped out too and started running off breaking rule 3.4 and law 8.8 adding more time to your sentence. [If it allowed up to lifetime in prison you would have received 15 years for opening fire at on-duty officers]

I can't make a "/me closes the back door" after I've put you in the back of the vehicle simply because, I close the door at the same time as you get in the vehicle possibly slamming the door on your head.

Next time you get pulled over or stopped on the street, try asking the officer before you take such hasty conclusions, spraying him/her down with your .22 pistol rounds.
I was at my base in glass co and i told the cop that my car was missing but my friend took it but i did not know this at the time so when James Robert (My Friend) came back he ran in and got his gun out and shot Julie Scott when she came in but did not kill him. (Julie Scott did not try to fire back at James Robert!) When Julie Scott when back outside James Robert put his gun in the storage and tried to close the door but he failed due to the fact that too many cops came in too quickly and so he tried to run. However he got caught and was cuffed and then the police cuffed everyone in the building and when they all went outside Julie Scott was about the put James Robert in the car but she got distracted due to the fact that everyone was shouting to be uncuffed and so James Robert tried to run but again failed and was dragged back to the car and when Julie Scott forced him in the car he could not get in and he was shouting that he could not but Julie Scott was shouting "Get in the car!" and so he may not of heard him say so but eventually he could get in the car and was taken to jail.

This is what i saw happen and if you dont believe me then thats your opinion on my statement because at the end of the day we are Human and i feel that alot of people fail to reconise that......

Kind Regards
C.B :)
Ok so if you took your gun out as a precaution why did you say in the admin sit that you shot at me twice when you did not.
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User will be banned for 4 days for 3.4 and 3.26. If you've just opened fire on someone, especially a cop, you should expect to be hunted and you should not go and store your gun straight away otherwise this happens you get caught a few moments later and you've already stored your gun and the cops have no way of getting it unless they uncuff you and make you get it, which isn't the best for RP purposes.
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