AR on 3 People for 5.1

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Photon/Boaby McMarshall
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Names Listed in Video
His/Her SteamID: staff plz
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Players broke rule 5.1 as they mugged me in a public-like setting. I was standing at the door of my bazaar shop and was gunpointed with both doors open and locked so they couldn't be closed.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A

shoutout to @cardstarvipe
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Okay, first things first, The speed that you got this AR up in was impressively fast, Guess you must be really upset over this, Which I do apologise for, But the roleplay experience was intended to be enjoyable for all involved.

Let me tell you though, And I must establish this one little fib of yours. you werent mugged in a public place at all, Me drawing the gun on you was done, Yes, in a place where a witness would be a possibility, but it was done on your property in (what was supposed to be) Quick. You seem to have not included the moment the gun was drawn in your video, In which I had to tell you multiple times to get inside the shop, as you decided to crouch down under the gun. I recall telling you this several times, and I'm not kidding when I say this, but you were 1 more request of compliance from me before I was gonna shoot, Because your stalling was getting ridiculous.

Also, Regarding the doors, As you can see, Myself and one of my colleuges tried to close them, which we couldn't, because you had locked them open for some reason. (This reason could be the much held belief that locking your doors open makes your bazaar shop a public place where you cannot mug, Which is untrue completely.) You can see you being asked MULTIPLE times to shut the doors, you only did so after you picked up your fences. On top of this, you can quite clearly see in the video that you stood paralell to the door whilst we stood out the way of the doors to avoid being seen.

The fact that you had an assault rifle on your back made me cautious to tell you to move across the room and close the door, Because 1 lag spike and you could easily lie about getting up to shut it and you could have shot us.

Halfway through this ordeal, However, you dropped 2 fences, and upon realising you had done so, you had to be asked to pick up the fences before you took them back, And I'm pretty sure the rules say you cant drop furniture and large items during a mugging. How come the AK47 on your back was fully assembled when you had it Equipped, But as you dropped it, It came in two pieces? Watching the AK stock magically dissapear off the rifle on your back the moment I pulled the gun on you was some pretty Impressive wizardry and TOTALLY wasn't a hinderance to the RP.

And look at what you dropped, You dropped all the crap we either couldn't take or wouldn't be worth taking (Besides for the AK), Knowing your knight in shining armour would swoop in and save you. You Probably only dropped the AK because it was the only visable item on you.

How about you post the demo file? Because you haven't Included the full ordeal yet, Such as the moment where the gun was pulled, Which was a bit before the video started.
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Players broke rule 5.1 as they mugged me in a public-like setting. I was standing at the door of my bazaar shop and was gunpointed with both doors open and locked so they couldn't be closed.
5.1 Mugging

"Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public, nor may they intentionally take place within the vicinity of the Drug Dealer.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited"

The back of the shop is NOT a public place, Doors open or not. In fact, the doors being open was how Grant Craig was able to get into the property.

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Okay, first things first, The speed that you got this AR up in was impressively fast, Guess you must be really upset over this, Which I do apologise for, But the roleplay experience was intended to be enjoyable for all involved.

Let me tell you though, And I must establish this one little fib of yours. you werent mugged in a public place at all, Me drawing the gun on you was done, Yes, in a place where a witness would be a possibility, but it was done on your property in (what was supposed to be) Quick. You seem to have not included the moment the gun was drawn in your video, In which I had to tell you multiple times to get inside the shop, as you decided to crouch down under the gun. I recall telling you this several times, and I'm not kidding when I say this, but you were 1 more request of compliance from me before I was gonna shoot, Because your stalling was getting ridiculous.

Also, Regarding the doors, As you can see, Myself and one of my colleuges tried to close them, which we couldn't, because you had locked them open for some reason. (This reason could be the much held belief that locking your doors open makes your bazaar shop a public place where you cannot mug, Which is untrue completely.) You can see you being asked MULTIPLE times to shut the doors, you only did so after you picked up your fences. On top of this, you can quite clearly see in the video that you stood paralell to the door whilst we stood out the way of the doors to avoid being seen.

The fact that you had an assault rifle on your back made me cautious to tell you to move across the room and close the door, Because 1 lag spike and you could easily lie about getting up to shut it and you could have shot us.

Halfway through this ordeal, However, you dropped 2 fences, and upon realising you had done so, you had to be asked to pick up the fences before you took them back, And I'm pretty sure the rules say you cant drop furniture and large items during a mugging. How come the AK47 on your back was fully assembled when you had it Equipped, But as you dropped it, It came in two pieces? Watching the AK stock magically dissapear off the rifle on your back the moment I pulled the gun on you was some pretty Impressive wizardry and TOTALLY wasn't a hinderance to the RP.

And look at what you dropped, You dropped all the crap we either couldn't take or wouldn't be worth taking (Besides for the AK), Knowing your knight in shining armour would swoop in and save you. You Probably only dropped the AK because it was the only visable item on you.

How about you post the demo file? Because you haven't Included the full ordeal yet, Such as the moment where the gun was pulled, Which was a bit before the video started.

  • The doors were left locked and open to discourage raiders and muggers as there was nothing back in the shop worth taking.
  • You gunpointed me, and told me to get in so I did slowly so you didn't think I was up to anything.
  • On top of this, you can quite clearly see in the video that you stood paralell to the door whilst we stood out the way of the doors to avoid being seen.
  • Guess that didn't work.
  • c04e84e5754d9fad171232c583d986b5.png
  • I was attempting to drop everything in my inventory, don't see anything in the rules saying furniture can't be dropped. The AK was missing the stock because I wanted it hidden while I was crafting, it was dropped anyways.
  • As I said I was attempting to drop everything in my inventory, I had no knowledge that @cardstarvipe would try and save me. The AK was the only weapon I had on me at the time.
  • I'll post a demo if requested, I started recording exactly where the video starts because shadowplay has a delay when hotkeys are used to start it.
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  • Guess that didn't work.
  • c04e84e5754d9fad171232c583d986b5.png

Re-read my reply please, Where I state that that I stood out of the way of the door. Its not my fault you locked all your doors open and wouldn't shut them.
[DOUBLEPOST=1489953474,1489951090][/DOUBLEPOST]A few things Missing from the video that are worth mentioning:
  • The fact that I had to ask numerous times to get you into the shop, which stalled and drew attention to the situation.
  • The fact that Grant Craig was actually inside your property waiting for you in a position where he had an advantage.
  • I'm not 100% sure, But I'm pretty sure the first thing I said was "Get in your shop and close the door". Was debating just shooting you after the compliance failed, But you were more valueble to me alive.
  • The stock of your AK was attached to the gun, But miraculously vanished once I had began ordering you into the shop
  • The location I was when I drew the gun, which was definitely on your property

Also, You're allowed to raid bazaar shops, but suddenly mugging isn't allowed? Raiding is blatantly murdering the occupants of a building to steal there posessions, a crime that will pretty much always get you Ten years and a hefty fine, is harder to do stealthily without drawing attention to the situation, and poses a direct risk of death by police. A mugging is a straight forward robbery that at most will get you 4-6 years. The doors being locked open would have given us a quick escape (Just as good as they were at letting Grant into your premises to begin with)
More than a following incident involving you gunning down the people in front of the bazaar shop when I had returned in defence of another bazaar stall, called the cops and then stole the raiders guns before police we're on scene.
[DOUBLEPOST=1489959969][/DOUBLEPOST]And I've watched over this video of this footage a few times now, carefully observing any areas where I supposedly broke rules, Yet all I'm seeing is some serious stalling. The almost hesitant pace in which you closed the doors was really a strain on my patience, And there wasn't much of that left after the wooden fences incident. You're supposed to be trying your very hardest to not get shot, Which from this video and what I observed myself whilst the mugging took place, you didn't put much effort into achieving.

And I still haven't Been enlightened on how the AK was in one piece on your back before the mugging, yet we recieved the stock and Rifle in two seperate parts? Face it, You knew someone would come and intervene if you made the mugging slower and easier to draw attention to, even if it meant you would be risking your life trying to trade your luck with your obedience. I dont like dishing out Accusations, But you quite clearly removed the stock from the AK so if the intervention occurred in your favour, you'd at least get the rifle back.

You found the time to present a 50 second clip of the situation in Question, Yet so far has failed to provide any other sort of evidence defending your case, Especially since the main accusation against Liam and I was we gunpointed you in the middle of the bazaar, Which the clip failed to include.

And regarding the witness/saviour? the clip begins just at the end of your stalling. During the time you were stalling, you could easily have written in your Org chat, or possibly even steam messaging or another outside source. What drew me to the observation is how there were people that were closer to your shop than he was and yet he got there by running. On top of this, If you look out the door, he was the ONLY witness. Nobody else even walks past your shop during this incident.

I seem to remember the first thing I said was "Right, Get in your shop and shut the door" which I said as I drew my gun, But you proceeded to press the crouch button and stay still instead, Leading me to have to tell you numerous times. The claim that you "started recording as soon as the mugging started but it lagged" is a bit hard to believe.

And at the end, just a small observation, but your reaction lacked surprise of your rescue.

We could have happily discussed this on the rooftop, in steam chat, or in LOOC, but nah, you more or less hurled accusations at me, Slandered in LOOC and OOC, and when it came to the sit with spaceshots, You told a story that doesn't Paralell with this footage, and quite rudely so, gave your story as I was giving mine. We could have happily talked it over and come up with a civil "Bury the hatchet and hike home" conclusion. And after the NLR ended and us three returned to the bazaar to return to Grants shop, We even had a little banter about the People whom you had just killed in the front of a neighbouring bazaar's Rather lackluster choice of weaponry. (which you still stole)

TL;DR: Everything that we did that could be considered an infringement or a violation of the rules only happened due to your Blatant disregard on your role in the situation in which you were in, giving us absolutely no other way to react without this situation turning lethal. When we pull a gun on someone, we expect them to follow the rules and do exactly what we say, use common sense, and try your hardest to come out of the situation alive. Your salvation from this ordeal was solely our mercy.
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Face it, You knew someone would come and intervene if you made the mugging slower and easier to draw attention to, even if it meant you would be risking your life trying to trade your luck with your obedience. I dont like dishing out Accusations, But you quite clearly removed the stock from the AK so if the intervention occurred in your favour, you'd at least get the rifle back.

What a great way to slander someone.

You found the time to present a 50 second clip of the situation in Question, Yet so far has failed to provide any other sort of evidence defending your case, Especially since the main accusation against Liam and I was we gunpointed you in the middle of the bazaar, Which the clip failed to include.

I don't see you presenting any evidence that counters mine.

I seem to remember the first thing I said was "Right, Get in your shop and shut the door" which I said as I drew my gun, But you proceeded to press the crouch button and stay still instead, Leading me to have to tell you numerous times. The claim that you "started recording as soon as the mugging started but it lagged" is a bit hard to believe.

You gunpointed me, and told me to get in so I did slowly so you didn't think I was up to anything.

We even had a little banter about the People whom you had just killed in the front of a neighbouring bazaar's Rather lackluster choice of weaponry. (which you still stole)

Irrelevant, but if you'd like to know why I shot it's because one of them shot a friend.

n top of this, If you look out the door, he was the ONLY witness. Nobody else even walks past your shop during this incident.

And what did your recklessness cost you when he was the only witness?

Oh yeah you all died.

Your salvation from this ordeal was solely our mercy.

I'm pretty sure it was @cardstarvipe :D
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You gunpointed me, and told me to get in so I did slowly so you didn't think I was up to anything.

If I have to ask again, then usually that means you're fulfilling the command to my liking. I had no concern of you "Trying anything" since Grant was inside and could easily have flanked you not knowing he was there.

Also /act Surrender exists for that sole purpose mate, I know its there and so do you.

And what did your recklessness cost you when he was the only witness?

Oh yeah you all died.

My recklessness? Or the fact that you made a bloody hike out of walking like three feet to a door, forcing me to constantly repeat myself over and over again, telling you to get inside your shop and shut the door. (which you failed to do until the fence incident)

I'm pretty sure it was @cardstarvipe :D

Nope, the moment you dropped the fence was when my patience wore thin, which is why at that point, I had to give my last warning to close the doors.

Irrelevant, but if you'd like to know why I shot it's because one of them shot a friend.

It was relevant, because we spoke as if the mugging didn't happen and it shows we are perfectly capable of sorting this out between us.

And you and me both know that dropping two wooden fences is something you do not do during a mugging. Anyone taking furniture during a mugging is breaking the rules, Dunno if you know that, and also dropping it is too. Only items that can be realistically carried can be dropped in muggings. You basically shat two 8 foot wooden fences in front of us, How are we supposed to RP that?
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United Kingdom

The mugging took place in a public setting due to the doors being locked open, and you guys beginning to take items from him while the door was open.

Mugging inside a bazaar shop is acceptable, however if the doors are locked open you must ensure that they are closed and you are then out of the view of the public before you begin to take items. In the evidence shown, you being taking items and it is obvious that @Photon is being mugged in his shop as he is standing in the middle of his shop dropping items which then prompted @cardstarvipe to come and help him.

The back of the shop is NOT a public place, Doors open or not. In fact, the doors being open was how Grant Craig was able to get into the property.

Just for clarity, the back of the shop is not a public place when bought, however if the doors are open it is classed as a public setting therefore you cannot mug someone inside when the door is open.
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