AR on a few

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Marcus Cromwell
Marcus Hudson / Marcuss #RACXES4ADMIN
Joe Diamond / Illusion
His/Her SteamID:
Marcus Hudson - STEAM_0:1:205542456
Marcus Cromwell
Joe Diamond - STEAM_0:1:91126000

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Marcus Hudson 2.5 also meta gamed my name he would have no way of knowing it. Marcus Hudson started shouting out my name which he would have no way of knowing before pushing and punching me for no reason. After the cops go he almost beat me to death again for no reason and i would like to know why he did this. He forced me to pull my gun and he was clearly just baiting.

Marcus Cromwell 2.5, 3.4. Marcus Cromwell punched me for no reason when i was bleeding out trying to kill me , we had no IC beef so i see no reason for him to try to kill me. He also shot at bazaar for no reason with his taurus 605 and baited cops to bazaar. He then went around the corner to shoot one more time just to antagonize the cops even more. The video i provided doesn't really show it all that well also the gun shot sounds are not working so if he could provide a demo it would be great.

Joe Diamond 2.5. Joe realised i had been shot and started punching me for no reason what so ever, we had no IC beef and shouldn't know each other at all yet he tries to speed up my death and was probably trying to kill me. I was punched more than once from each of them although the video does not show it i cut it short.

Evidence (Demo Required)
: Part 1:

Part 2:
I punched you once as a joke. I mean, my org has had some serious beef with you and your org, and punching you once I don't feel would ruin your experience at all.
The rule 2.5 is for excessive negativity, and punching you once is not excessive.
I was involved and saw Marcus beat Dee for no reason until he had no choice but to defend himself which led to his death. I asked Marcus in OOC why he did it and the only explanation he gave me was because of his name being O'Neill, which he said was alone a good enough reason.
Allright. So we are here now i see.. Well gotta say, thanks for rdming me in a public daylight setting yesterday for No reasons at all.

And yes i know your name mate. You have been hanging around bazaar for a long time, we got a beef with your org, and you know it. So instead of acting mature, you decided to act passively and just be a knob towards me ic. And if i remember correctly you punched me first? And we already had a discussion there earlier. I can't see why this is getting reported.. But im still amazed bout my double kill.
[DOUBLEPOST=1505780798,1505780634][/DOUBLEPOST]And yes i punched him, but I was expecting a reaction from him, not him pulling out a gun in a public day light setting infront of many people.
And yes i know your name mate.
You know when you are killed you forget all your enemies names? We killed you yesterday and also witnessed you die so we would not know each other IC so are you breaking NLR or just meta gaming?

you decided to act passively and just be a knob towards me ic

Do you know what passively means its pretty much the opposite of being a knob so make up your mind? I done nothing to you since restart or when you last died to us so you wouldnt know me or what we have previously done to you.

And if i remember correctly you punched me first?

I can't see why this is getting reported
Because you pretty much RDMd me.
Mate we been playing together for a year now.. And now you tried to rdm me for a second time,, but youre just sad that your aim is bad. I got a double kill, get on with it mate. Next time, start a conversation or leave the area instead of starring at my og like yourr some kind of mental creep. We tried to escort you out, but you was acting Odd..
[DOUBLEPOST=1505820351,1505820220][/DOUBLEPOST]I been playing perp longer than you, i am very much aware of rdming rules and so on. If i punch you in bazaar, you don't just pull out a gun and shot every where smh. You handle it maturely. Either with fists, 911, friends, or just a simple conversation. But you really did try to kill me, that's why i killed both of you.
You know when you are killed you forget all your enemies names? We killed you yesterday and also witnessed you die so we would not know each other IC so are you breaking NLR or just meta gaming?

Do you know what passively means its pretty much the opposite of being a knob so make up your mind? I done nothing to you since restart or when you last died to us so you wouldnt know me or what we have previously done to you.


Because you pretty much RDMd me.
Yea but I remember and then I told marcus that you guys are our enemies.
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