AR on Abdi

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam: En1Gm4
In-game Name: Jurriaan Taal
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Abdi Abdullah
His/Her SteamID: Unknown (I'm unable to find it)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I believe this person should be pushied for the fact that this person killed me in the back of my bazaar shop when I kept him under gunpoint. The person needed to get something out of his storage and asked if he could use my storage in Dutch. I said he could use it. When get got in, I closed and locked the doors and pointed the gun at him and told him he was uunder gunpoint. Soon after that he pulled out his Desert Eagle and shot me.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 61200
for the slow people its not me. I do not sound like that and i can confirm i dont speak Dutch.
After reviewing the evidence provided i will give my opinion.

Rule 3.4: Putting your life/ freedoom at risk:
The user clearly knew that he was under gun point and should have cooperated instead he chooses to ignore gun point and shoot the user who could have easiley killed him.

Overall i will +Support this Action Request however this is not Abdi so if it's possible a administrator could find out the name.

The reason why I'm -Supporting this AR is because for those of you who haven't seen the video clearly, watch it again. When the guy came in he had his gun on his hand the whole time, it was on passive stance. That's exactly what I do whenever I go to sell my shit at the DD, and all you need to do is put it on attack and that's it. He did not "Pull his gun under gun point", he already had his gun out this whole time, but you didn't notice it. He made it seem like he took the gun from his storage and then shot him which is false.

(Apparently it's not even Abdi that's in the video)

Thank You,
George Schurr
When he received the gun from his storage, it was already in a passive stance. This gave him a chance to act quickly and therefore shoot you. 3.4 wasn't broken here as no one knew really who was going to win.
Reason be - He took a desert eagle out of his storage and kept it in passive stance.

User already had a weapon out before you drew yours and gun pointed him.

En1Gm4 STEAM_0:0:97221894 Player was killed by Citizen Brace | ACe?| (Desert Eagle) 2016-05-20 19:16:09

The actual person had no where near the name as stated in this action request, his being; Abde Salam.
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