AR on Alabin

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Your Steam/In-game Name: MrNicola / Nicola Goderis
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alabin / Alabin Lundmark
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:22064964
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He wanted to arrest us for a law we didn't break but somebody an appartment below us did as he clearly states in the evidence video. After he said he will arrest us we did open fire but with guns we just pulled out and hadn't shown before. Law 6.1: having a weapon in a unrestricted area to other civilians. But we never showed our gun through our window or anything like that.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
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I'd like to hear @Alabin's side of the story.

It looks to me as he was arresting you for the same reason as the example he gave.
Brandon Rooke did have his weapon on show through the window, however he was warned and ticketed for that offense, for them to come back and raid us for something he has already received a ticket for is unacceptable. Also, he said we did it a second time but we didn't, I think he got that information from the SWAT spying at us through our window, and I think the SWAT were a bit raid hungry and providing false information to the lieutenant.

So technically, he raided us without an invalid reason but there is not enough evidence in this AR request. So my support is currently Neutral.
As Daragh above me said we first visited you for displaying your firarms that you had on your backs in a public setting, which is through the window of the slums appartements. There is a difference between a public setting and a public place which I explained to you IC (law 6.3 which I informed you all that you were breaking).

Before starting off just let me assure you @LEWIS 088 that I had gotten visual comfirmation myself each time before returning to the slums. Events that unforlded follows below:

I first visited slums 3 & 4, knocked on the door spoke with all the people inside that had broken the law by displaying AKs etc on their backs whilst standing by the window. That first time I gave them all verbal warnings. I informed them that if they did not comply the PLPD would have to return.

The second time I went there was around 10min later after I by using my binoculars from the highway bend could see that most of them still had firearms on their backs and were displaying them just as much as prior to me going there and speaking to them about it. This second time the people that I had seen with my binoculars to be carrying firearms by the windows recieved 2000 dollar tickets and were warned that they had to cease their criminal acts right away or we would be forced to return and place them under arrest.

Around 5 min later I returned to the highway bend used my binoculars and could again, still, see several people inside both slums 3 & 4 were carrying firearms on their backs. From the street outside of slums you were able to see them.
Here is when I decided to call up SWAT (a safety precaution since the people were heavily armed) and several units to respond code 2 and meet me at the slums apartements. I explained to the officers and SWAT that we were going to proceed with this peacefully and if possible gain access to the apartements without using a warrant, simply the permission from the owners of the appartements after explaining to them why they would be placed under arrest.
This was no problem with slums 3, they co-operated. We could enter with out weapons in passive stance and place the 2-3 occuptants under arrest. They were immidiately taken to them PD by officers on scene. We found nothing illegal inside slums 3.

When we attempted to do the same with slums 4 they first opened the door and spoke with us, everything seemed to run smoothy until all of a sudden one man behind a barricade pulled up his gun and started firing on me that were standing in the doorway speaking to the owner. I don't know why he did so or his name, but for obvious reasons we backed away, issued a search warrant and SWAT moved in whilst us officers held the staircase.

Hope that clears it up!
As Daragh above me said we first visited you for displaying your firarms that you had on your backs in a public setting, which is through the window of the slums appartements. There is a difference between a public setting and a public place which I explained to you IC (law 6.3 which I informed you all that you were breaking).

Before starting off just let me assure you @LEWIS 088 that I had gotten visual comfirmation myself each time before returning to the slums. Events that unforlded follows below:

I first visited slums 3 & 4, knocked on the door spoke with all the people inside that had broken the law by displaying AKs etc on their backs whilst standing by the window. That first time I gave them all verbal warnings. I informed them that if they did not comply the PLPD would have to return.

The second time I went there was around 10min later after I by using my binoculars from the highway bend could see that most of them still had firearms on their backs and were displaying them just as much as prior to me going there and speaking to them about it. This second time the people that I had seen with my binoculars to be carrying firearms by the windows recieved 2000 dollar tickets and were warned that they had to cease their criminal acts right away or we would be forced to return and place them under arrest.

Around 5 min later I returned to the highway bend used my binoculars and could again, still, see several people inside both slums 3 & 4 were carrying firearms on their backs. From the street outside of slums you were able to see them.
Here is when I decided to call up SWAT (a safety precaution since the people were heavily armed) and several units to respond code 2 and meet me at the slums apartements. I explained to the officers and SWAT that we were going to proceed with this peacefully and if possible gain access to the apartements without using a warrant, simply the permission from the owners of the appartements after explaining to them why they would be placed under arrest.
This was no problem with slums 3, they co-operated. We could enter with out weapons in passive stance and place the 2-3 occuptants under arrest. They were immidiately taken to them PD by officers on scene. We found nothing illegal inside slums 3.

When we attempted to do the same with slums 4 they first opened the door and spoke with us, everything seemed to run smoothy until all of a sudden one man behind a barricade pulled up his gun and started firing on me that were standing in the doorway speaking to the owner. I don't know why he did so or his name, but for obvious reasons we backed away, issued a search warrant and SWAT moved in whilst us officers held the staircase.

Hope that clears it up!
Ok so i was basing in slums 4 and i was the one who told everyone else via org chat to open fire at you because i knew that you where going to take our firearms and our drugs so we tried to kill you all and when there was no threat to our lives, we would take our drugs and run but unfortunately that did not work and i got 1 shotted by the S.W.A.T with the shotgun.... It was a valid reason to shoot you but we never have guns on our back, We only had our guns on our back before you came and spoke to us the first time but i don't know where you got the idea of us having guns on our back all the other times.... I have a CONCEALED weapon (Glock 20) so i don't know how you managed to see an AK47 on my back and my friends did have AKs but we put them away as soon as you told us to. In conclusion the S.W.A.T was just bored little kids wanting to raid someone and i think there should be a law about ANYONE looking into peoples property for no reason and from what i saw the S.W.A.T where looking through the windows before we even started building. (Pervs)

You can downvote my post all you want, but the matter of the facts is that you broke the law and we had every right to arrest the ones of you that did. You deciding to start shooting obviously made us decide to search the whole apartement and not only arrest the ones of you that were still carrying firearms.

This is what the law says if you did not know:
"Firearms for the use by an individual may only be openly carried when the owner is on Private Property which is not in a Public Setting. Carrying a firearm that is concealed on one's person is legal when it is being carried on Private Property."

Now the Slums apratements have windows out towards the street and is therefor in a public setting. I was first made aware of the law being broken when SWAT saw you from the PD parking lot.

Littleegg_09 sent some .gif's to @LEWIS 088. Imo you should all just have complied or decided to carry consealed weapons.
You can downvote my post all you want, but the matter of the facts is that you broke the law and we had every right to arrest the ones of you that did. You deciding to start shooting obviously made us decide to search the whole apartement and not only arrest the ones of you that were still carrying firearms.

This is what the law says if you did not know:
"Firearms for the use by an individual may only be openly carried when the owner is on Private Property which is not in a Public Setting. Carrying a firearm that is concealed on one's person is legal when it is being carried on Private Property."

Now the Slums apratements have windows out towards the street and is therefor in a public setting. I was first made aware of the law being broken when SWAT saw you from the PD parking lot.

Littleegg_09 sent some .gif's to @LEWIS 088. Imo you should all just have complied or decided to carry consealed weapons.

XDDDDD Ok so theres 3 things that we can do

Action number 1
We board up the windows so that you cant see our weapons however that is suspicious NOTE: ITS NOT AGAINST THE LAW TO BOARD UP WINDOWS! ITS ONLY SUSPICIOUS!

Action number 2
We continue to carry weapons and be raided after a number of warnings and "proof" from the pervs in the black truck.

Action number 3
We all put our guns in storage and we are no longer prepared for a raid and since the police force was absolute dog shit at the time you would not be able to stop them in time+You would search the apartment anyway so yea.

In conclusion...
Are our drugs/illegal items safe in anyone of these? No
Do we get to keep our guns in anyone of these? No
Are anyone of these breaking the law? Yes


Evidence has been provided that proves the officer had a right to knock on your door and deal with you breaking section 6 of the law.

And for actually getting raided that is your own fault, you could have complied and at worst would have lost your weapons.
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