AR on Festive Smiley Cyrus

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Your Steam/In-game Name: aloo89

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Festive Smiley Cyrus

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40596784

Why Should This Player Be Punished: he lie in ooc chat and said he herd us but he didnt her us ( he said in ooc chat atthe end of the video )

Evidence (Demo Required):
lieing ooc saying he herd us talking abou selling gun
Lying in OOC is not agains the rules and there isn't really any evidence suggesting he did as there is no audio. He has told me on Steam that both him and @Niko heard you tell the other player to transfer you money
@Niko and I were patrolling around the area and you were standing with a firearm on your back for an excessive amount of time, we started timing you from then and gave you 30 seconds after which we told you to put the gun away as you were not acting lawfully. We noticed you were talking to the guy you eventually scammed and we had a suspicion you were trying to sell your firearm. You decided to put the gun in your trunk and drive to the parking spot in front of Fredy's bakery.

From here I and @Niko could both hear you clear as day that you were telling him to send the money to you. From this point on any reasonable person would gather that you are indeed conducting an arms deal, mind you in front of officers no less. Seconds later you accepted the man's bank transaction and decided to hop into your car and leave. From there the man decided to come up to us and tell us exactly what we suspected; you scamming him and stealing the money.
first at all i told him send me money after he send it I LEFT SUBS to GO TO PD to pick up NATSUME TO i take him then i just go to subs again and thes 2 people start shoting us we drive bhind subs natsume got hes gun out of the trunk we drive back to same place we sow you guy thear then you start saying i scam the guy any some other shit you didnt even ask me whats going on bc you know ooc what happend you sow my ooc chat so you just try to get the money out bank and give him without know what happending ig you didnt even try to RP with us or ask us what happend you start serching me didnt give me chanse to tell you why i have gun just try to search my phon get money out cofscaid my gun give me tic and take to jail

(PLPD killing server)
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mate, we were with 3 in the car I just didn't tag the 3rd one calm down. I and those 2 other cops all witnessed you scamming that man. We recognized you after that shooting and those other people were shooting at you because you scammed him for 20k. I confirmed with the shooter that you were the man that scammed him, which is probably why he was going to shoot you.

I got your bank account and details from the transaction and when I went to confront you about it I searched you because you were saying you couldn't open bank app in handcuffs. When I searched you I found you were carrying a gun, I did /me takes the gun and puts it on your ground, and you decided to do /me no he doesn't, from there you refused to drop the gun even after the /me.

After this, I made an F6 and @blobvis 2.0 concluded that you broke the rules, you left mid admin sit and said "ok let's go back to RP" you jumped off of Freddy's and went back to the ATM(where you kept pretending you didn't have a bank account) you unlocked your phone and dropped it and immediately ran to your friends car and evaded police, you left your gun at the investigation so it was taken. You decided to turn a 3-year jail sentence and 20k refund to the scammed man into a 10 year one for very little reason.

The only one that wasn't trying to RP was you, I don't even know how you managed to contact your friend to pick you up while you were handcuffed and being investigated by police.

Other than that I don't recall using OOC chat to my advantage in any way shape or form during this entire situation. We knew you scammed him, we wanted to investigate, you chose to blow it out of proportion.
You clearly committed a crime infront of several Police Officers. If they heard your transaction take place but never saw you hand over the gun, not only did you attempt tax evasion, you also committed fraud. They could clearly see this all go down
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