AR on Alex ;)

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa | Dylan Larsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alex? | Alex Zaiger
His/Her SteamID: N/A
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player broke rule 3.4, 3.15, aswell as 2.1. In the provided video you can see him get out of his car while he was trapped between a high speed chase with the sexy zonda seen in the video. Him doing so resulted in his death and him stopping in the middle of the highway could most likely cause damage to his car (As stated in rule 3.15)
Evidence (Demo Required):
Your Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa | Dylan Larsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Alex? | Alex Zaiger
His/Her SteamID: N/A
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player broke rule 3.4, 3.15, aswell as 2.1. In the provided video you can see him get out of his car while he was trapped between a high speed chase with the sexy zonda seen in the video. Him doing so resulted in his death and him stopping in the middle of the highway could most likely cause damage to his car (As stated in rule 3.15)
Evidence (Demo Required):

2.1 Play Realistically
This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all time; exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such Exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion.

2.1 states play realistically, at the time this all was happening, i was on a 'headhunt' for @Nade Alardin as he had raided avitos base, aswell as ran over @Sir.Fusions on purpose, eitherway i dont see how i was not playing realistic, the fact i got out of my car in the highway as it was 'broken down' and i was gonna go to the "sidewalk" (By that i mean on the concrete, or in the middle to avoid getting hit)

3.6 Stay Alive
Typically, players must, at all times, do everything in their power to prevent and/or avoid their own death.
To attempt to save my own life, as my car had been hit and was unable to drive any further at the time being, i was going to run over to the concrete / in the middle of highway, where i would not get hit by yet another car that would not see me, however i was unlucky and i did not manage to run over there before the cop hit me, as you can see in the video, no matter what i did, jump out of car (or stay inside car and get completely crushed) i would have no chance of survival, due to this i took the chance of attempting to save my life, by leaving the vehicle to go to a 'safer' location, which sadly did not work out, however if i had stayed in my vehicle i would of been completely crushed, as the police cruiser did not manage to stop.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically;

A common example of an unreasonable risk would be for a player to murder a Police Officer in order to avoid receiving a traffic ticket. The risk involved with the murder of a Police Officer is typically grossly disproportionate to the benefit of avoiding a traffic ticket. Another example would be for a player to walk on the highway without a justifiable reason.

I get you think im breaking 3.4, however as explained in the 3.6 i attempted to save my own life by leaving the vehicle and walking to a safer location, which sadly failed, however in this case i clearly had a beneficial reason, aswell as i did it in a realistic fashion, if i stayed in my vehicle i would of gotten crushed and die(realistically), or i would be 'handicapped' / injured for the rest of my life, by leaving the vehicle i attempted to avoid that following both my instinct and 3.6.

I guess what you mean by 3.4 is this part aswell?

Another example would be for a player to walk on the highway without a justifiable reason.

I went out of my vhicle for a justifiable reason, as my vehicle was 'disabled realistically' and i had no way of leaving, other than leaving the vehicle or contacting roadcrew, i believe ooc'ly there was no roadcrew on at the time, and i had no time to even put on my hazard lights before i would of gotten hit by a police cruiser or any other vehicle as the road was pretty busy at the time, i decided to attempt and save myself simply by attempting to go to a safer location, which as said many times failed. I also had all reason to believe that the police vehicle was damaged from when @Stormzi decided to ram into him, so i was not expecting him to come at the time.

he was trapped between a high speed chase with the sexy zonda seen in the video.

I guess its a true fact i was kinda trapped, but as explained many times my car would of been disabled and i decided to follow 3.15, as i have had a warning for it before, and i was not going to be getting one again, simply to save my life, no matter what i did in the situation, i would either break 3.15, or follow 3.6 by attempting to save my life.

Now that i've explained my reasons for 3.4 and 2.1 ill just explain the 3.15

As 3.15 states
3.15 Vehicle Damage
Players are not allowed to take action that is likely to lead to the damaging of their vehicle (except speeding within reason), or a vehicle belong to a friend unless they have a good/reasonable reason for doing so; for example, driving off-road on uneven terrain or intentionally driving into sides of buildings without good/reasonable

reason is not allowed. For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh the drawbacks.

unless they have a good/reasonable reason for doing so
As nade, which i had all reason to believe was inside the vehicle, had raided us, (that included killing our organisation members), aswell as purposely running over @Sir.Fusions i believe i had a good/reasonable reason/benefit of committing the action of 'slowing down' on the highway, i slowed down as i was typing in org chat, and i was going to follow nade, (let him go infront of me), as 'stormzi' in this case as he was driving the car, i expected him not to ram directly into me, however to purposely attempt to avoid hitting me, as he had clearly seen me. Which would allow me to get behind him and follow me, however as he did not do any attempt to avoid hitting me, my car was damaged in the process, which had a benificial/good reason behind it all. As my car got completely 'wrecked' due to the fact he rammed into me in high speed, i had no way of leaving other than leaving my vehicle, walking to the concrete(bridge) or in the middle on the grass, as if i had not done that, i would of died no matter what, 'realistically' as the cop car did not have a chance to stop either, due to its 'semi-bad' brakes, at the time i left the vehicle i also had all reason to believe that the police vehicle was damaged from when @Stormzi decided to ram into him, so i was not expecting him to come at the time. As you can see when stormzi started driving full speed towards me, i attempted to accelerate in an attempt to avoid getting hit, what stormzi should of done, was just like the red car, drove around me, however i get the fact i shouldnt of stopped in the middle of the road, but i believe i had a good reasoning behind it.

Aswell as due to certain limits, you cant chat and drive as the same time, as opening the chat disables your ability to 'WASD' (Forward, etc) so i couldnt both drive and chat, which is because of the limits, more than my fault..

I realise it was not smart to jump out the car in middle of highway, i apologize for that, but i still do not *think that i broke the rules
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LOL you chat so much shit, Your car wasn't broken down you potato you got out of the car to try and shoot us then when we drove away you tried to get back in but got slumped by the police cruiser. If you didn't break 3.4 why did u get out and walk back to your car in the busy highway? doesn't make sense. You got out of the car because it would of been disabled ish mate. you talk more shit than adrish eats.
if i stayed in my vehicle i would of gotten crushed and die(realistically)
I dont see how a car going under your car would crush you?
makes sense doesn't it.
you broke 3.6 if you look at it technically you got out of the car in the middle of the highway and then tried to get back in it but got run over cause you where walking on the highway.
i attempted to accelerate in an attempt to avoid getting hit, what stormzi should of done, was just like the red car, drove around me
You attempted to accelerate thats why I didn't go around you If you decided to carry on driving in your
the fact i got out of my car in the highway as it was 'broken down' and i was gonna go to the "sidewalk"
car I wouldn't of collided with you next time if you break down on the highway use hazard lights they really tell people who are driving behind you to watch out for you.
LOL you chat so much shit, Your car wasn't broken down you potato you got out of the car to try and shoot us then when we drove away you tried to get back in but got slumped by the police cruiser. If you didn't break 3.4 why did u get out and walk back to your car in the busy highway? doesn't make sense. You got out of the car because it would of been disabled ish mate. you talk more shit than adrish eats.

I dont see how a car going under your car would crush you?
makes sense doesn't it.
you broke 3.6 if you look at it technically you got out of the car in the middle of the highway and then tried to get back in it but got run over cause you where walking on the highway.

You attempted to accelerate thats why I didn't go around you If you decided to carry on driving in your

car I wouldn't of collided with you next time if you break down on the highway use hazard lights they really tell people who are driving behind you to watch out for you.
The fact you are saying that the car would not get crushed, sure in some cases it wont, but the fact you drove that fast into my car, both of our cars would indeed be crushed, aswell as the fact you rammed fast into the officer.


As you can see the red car is indeed crushed, and would not be able to safely or even properly drive off. So your nonesence is false, and in the end i wouldnt of been able to get anywhere with my car, and i would of gotten hit / killed no matter what if i stayed in my car, so what did you expect me to do at the time? Stay in my vehice and die? Or get out of my vehicle and die, eitherway i would of died, so in the end i dont see how its 3.4 or 3.6 when nomatter what i couldnt of realistically survived that.
As expected, Alex put the video to private so no one can view it and see what happened ;(

Good thing I downloaded his video! Will be uploaded tomorrow :)

- On phone -
I request @Alex to upload the video again, if not done I will take it as a bad excuse and you've understood that you broke the rules. You have from now 24 hours. So on Sunday 02:46 GMT+1 the video should be uploaded
I request @Alex to upload the video again, if not done I will take it as a bad excuse and you've understood that you broke the rules. You have from now 24 hours. So on Sunday 02:46 GMT+1 the video should be uploaded
Here is the video:

As you can see in the video i jump out my car after being hit by stormzi (he was driver of pagani), ii honestly cant remember if i locked or unlocked my car, or attempted to get iin it or not. However i still think my reasons at justified.

Quote from 3.4
Another example would be for a player to walk on the highway without a justifiable reason.
I wasnt exactly walking, i was on the highway though, and i had a juustifiable reason i believe, as nade had killed many, aswell as @Sir.Fusions of my org members and i was going to kill him and surrender - or shoot the cop.

Quote from 3.15
For a reason to be deemed as good/reasonable, the benefit of committing such actions must outweigh the drawbacks.

I beliveve i had a good and reasonable reason for doing so (Slowing down, not exactly parking) in the highway, and anyways stormzi and the officer would easily be able to see me and avoid my car just like the red car did. It also shows i attempted to accelerate just before stormzi hit my car, the benefit was also calling nade as a revenge for kiilling many of the org members. It would indeed be worth losing a 30k repair - or 20k engine repair(unless there was roadcrew to repair engiine of course)

Note, the pagani: Stormzii was driver, nade was passenger.

Also, it seems the pagani is very invulnerable, might get one.
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