AR on Astakos

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Your Steam/In-game Name: John Magnets// Blobvis & witness longassname @Jimmy Jackson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Astakos // Alejandro Rojas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37905857
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 killing cops over a small sit not worth any jail sentence utmost a ticket

So some background information:
As we were with 4 officers on duty we got reported shots fired at projex, after a 3rd time of being on scene we knocked on the door and asked what happened, we got an immideate confirmation (911 call) that it was about a missfire (the guys in there, @Zexinity and another guy are known for "missfiring"). I call it in over radio to confirm it was a missfire and start talking to them.
At one point I ask them to put the guns down as 3 guys with fully automatic weaponry is intimidating and @Zexinity also puts his gun down (he went to storage). At this point Alejandro takes out his firearm and start randomly shooting us.
As it was a confirmed discharge of a firearm the utmost that would be given was a $2.000 ticket for discharging the firearm and nothing to shoot over.
His action resulted in a long ass situation with many officers shot that just could have been resolved with a ticket of utmost $2.000

Evidence (Demo Required):
man he told u it was a shotgun discharge , the wall was sprayed with automatics and u understood of it , plus i heard 1 of u saying search the property and since we had drugs inside i took these actions i am sorry if i am wrong but thats my perspective if u want i can upload my demo
Toby James can confirm aswell that he didnt understood why you shot at me, I never had the intent to raid the property just to find out what happened as we had multiple shots fired from different firearms, the other 2 complied with the gun on the floor and the other guy going to storage to store it but you decide against any odds to just shoot up the officer and cause a massive scene.
Sorry, But I never said let's search the property, I asked John to move out the way so I could see how many people there were and Who was not complying, Moreover, you shot over a simple Ticket of 2000, resulting in you being raided again and having a 10yrs 10k to your name. Why would we search for the property?? You shot the gun, the only thing I'd do is come to INSIDE to the main room if needed. Either way, you risked your life and it was a stupid idea to do. Let's see what happens.

@mpitzas will recieve a 2 day ban for 2.5 and 3.4​
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