AR on @Bruno Ramos

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my bed
Your Steam/In-game Name: Aero // Athena Lionheart
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Bframos // Bruno Ramos
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80298665
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 - Continously running, failing to comply and stalling under gunpoint.
Evidence (Demo Required):

I will need further information concerning the current situation.​

  1. For what reason did you have to shoot a man In a public setting?
  2. During the situation, you failed to deal with the NPC (3.21) can you give an explanation for this.
  3. During the video, it seems you were mugging a man from the money he stole. This would be considered mugging (5.1). Please give me a reason why you decided to mug a man in a public area.

In addition, I would like a demo and an answer to these questions within 48 hours. Failure to provide the demo or questions within the given time will result in punishment (1.4) for 3.21, 3.4 and 5.1. Aswell as other members involved given a punishment for 3.21 and 5.1.

Thank you for your patience.​
This was dealt with in a sit with @Super_ and we told him much details on what happened.

1. Because he ran from gunpoint with the stolen money (he mugged my friend at the drug dealer).

2. I haven't done it because I was busy dealing with the guy, there were alot of other people involved in this situation and I'm fairly sure they threatened the storage attendant.

3. As he stole 32k from my friend which is a moderate amount of money, we decided to gunpoint the man and force him to give us the money back, in order to do that we need to get him to an ATM, there is no existing ATM that isn't in public so we had to do it atleast somewhere. We thought suburbs would be one of the better places to do it as there was at that moment a raid going on at Slums.
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