AR on Chace/Adam Jenson

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Classiest of Nando/Frank Legard
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chace/Adam Jenson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42384300
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Extensive 1.1, 3.24 and maybe some as well as a count of 3.26. While Chace and I were being questioned about a physical assault incident that occurred outside of the PD, Chace was extremely disrespectful in an out of character sense while in a role play situation. There are way too many breaches of 1.1 to count, so, allow me to show a transcript of his tirade that he commenced in response to my last legal defences against allegations of breaking laws 8.8 and 1.8. I think you'll be able to find the offences. He does at least use my in game name, Frank, but the remarks are clearly of an out of character nature, with the use of my name being some sort of attempt at evading a breach of 3.24.

Another option is to watch this handy dandy video:

"Frank, just shut your fucking mouth; I've had enough of you. Shut your fucking mouth; no one wants to listen to you, you little kid. You're about ten years old, so shut your mouth. Yeah, you're about ten years old, so shut your fucking mouth. Nah, shut your fucking mouth you ten year old.

Nah listen (???) a-'don't fucking do that' (response to an LOOC message to him, telling him "Don't do that - Don't fucking do that"). You (stumbles) come up to me (stumbles) outside of the PD and start punching me for no reason and you gettin' me into this shit, fuck you. (George Schurr, officer present tells Chace that he will gag him if he doesn't stop) Fucking gag me then, go on. This guy's taking the fucking piss.

(Chace is gagged and proceeds to 'mumble' through his gag very loudly using the speak function... despite how a gag actually makes the wearer quieter. The gag suddenly comes off without help, as he proceeds to say): Frank, shut your fucking mouth. For a (stumbles). You know how sad you must feel? (an officer who thought that I told him to shut up when I told Adam to asks me 'Did you just tell an officer to shut up?') Yeah, he did.

Frank, you know for, like the next - like the next 5 years right - (interrupted by an officer in the room) Frank, Frank, Frank.(repeats the name several times) Frank, shut your fucking mouth. Listen (stumbles) For like, for like, for like the next five years, don't you think it's sad that no one's gonna take you seriously in this game - you're gonna be constantly bullied. It seems like - it seems like Mummy's credit card money is wasted on this game; cause no-one is ever going to listen to you, cause you're gonna be constantly bullied and you're gonna get that for the next five years. (small break of around 2 seconds) Yeah, I would feel sorry for you, but you are a cunt and you're like (stumbles) the typical person I troll. (??? - on Youtube - maybe?) (I then respond in LOOC saying that I've been here since 2014) Yeah, I don't care how long you been here."


Evidence (Demo Required): 21-58-36.dem?dl=0
Tick: 34,000

The user broke the following rules.

3.26 User was gagged by an officer and after around 30 seconds ignored this and continued speaking.
1.1 User obviously was speaking in an out of character context against the user.
3.24 User was breaking character and discussing things with his microphone.

User will be given a two week ban.
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