ar on chris

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Your Steam/In-game Name: alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: chris craize
His/Her SteamID: couldnt find ooc name and steam id
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
So i mugg this guy early on the server , after that he snitces on me(he made an advert with my car and my characteristics saying i mugged and raided him ) , i prepare an ambush for him and he dies , after that he respawns while he was in spawn i was goin to raid slums , he didnt know that ,all he saw was my car and me inside and then when i entered slums , 4 officers were waiting for me after being called . I asked who called cause i hadnt even reloaded my gun at the time nor started lockpicking door and they told me it was chris , he called about a raid . The guy i had killed before wanted some revenge i guess . I believe after he died he shouldnt remember me , or my car or my name yet he called the cops on me .
Shortly he used his previous life information
Evidence:!tstSRCDZ!WSt2j6QOsNs8PpOdIJ81rSpnr7CJpLYmLYyon9xnDTY this is the demo where he dies tick 63000!xwtkBagT!H2ip855wF4-MkrGyNYwGEhVIBRmoLaNSLJZ6tVP2VTY this is where i get arrested while havent started raiding yet and cops saying how they knew i was raiding the place tick 4000
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